I'll add my condolences Ray. Sorry about the news.
Just got back from a Mt. Baker ride (up to artist pt) and while on the way down I noticed the crash scene, burnt flares and flowers, so I dismounted and looked around. That "curve" was more like a damn fish hook, or hairpin, (to the right) with a very short approach and zero for a line of sight field of view, it is implausible to me that any rider would be attempting any kind of a passing move there. I hope they are doing a thorough investigation. Also digging around in the news the statement "he was attempting a high speed pass on a double yellow" does not fit the confines of that location. Rider was identified as 61 year old Michael Wayner from Friday Harbor Wa. I wonder who the "they" is. Add-on here, still trying to puzzle out the physics, prior to the short approach to the fatal curve was a tight left hand curve, he could have came around that curve and been carrying to much speed to make the right hander.When I got home from swfog I found out a guy I used to ride with was killed on Sunday. The story is that they were riding on Mt Baker in WA. and he made a pass over the double yellow on a corner at high speed and lost control. Went over a 200 foot drop off and died. It's a shame for somebody to die trying to keep up with others doing the same crap. Let's use the big head while riding and let the little one tell the story over a beer.
Still very sad, I was thinking someone may have run him off. Thanks for the added detail. Ride safe.After talking with the people that were at the scene, Mike had just finished a pass over the line and couldn't make the corner. Went straight off the road and that was the end. No sign of any braking activity. This is from people that were there and tried to help him. We'll never know and opinions are like belly buttons so everybody is entitled to theirs.