Well, this isn't part of a dog pile, it is about politics and yet not particularly political.
To the quoted article: Whhaaa, whhaaa, whhaaa. Has he been hurt by any of his deep burning questions? No mater who he is, how self important he is, he just is one man, one vote. Our government is by the people, for the people. No president can make policies without the matter passing a vote.
We have our president today because the majority of Americans voted for his leadership. Americans seem to have been ready for a change after the past 8 years -- *ANY* ol' change.
You can simply sit back, you can yell, cry, be an alarmist and sent emails to Forums, friends and relatives. That does nothing. Going to an Obama town meeting and shouting him down in anger does nothing. You are not part of the solution because you are not part of the process. If you are unhappy about the PROPOSED policies, still have worries about the sinister, dark, evil past of the man in charge then do something the right way. Call your senator, call your local and state representatives. Tell them that you don't buy the current pile of **** that is taking place. Organize all the local people that see things your way, then as a group send messages to your representatives. REPRESENTATIVES - that's what they do, they represent your views and vote your views. If they don't why are they holding that position?
I declare Lou Pritchett to be a whiner and complainer. A **** pot stirrer. Lou, impress me and do something within the process that is available to every person. I won't address his point of view or attitude, just his method of reaching out to... to what? Get out the clipboards, record facts that you want supported, get names -- lots of names and send them someplace where they will be heard and your stance supported.