License Mounting/Splash Guard

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Active member
Apr 22, 2011
Reaction score
Seven Lakes, North Carolina
I haven't even taken possession of my new FJR yet and I'm already thinking about making some changes (ah, the modding bug is everywhere!!). the license plate mount and (I assume) combination rear splash guard seems to me a little overdone. Effective I assume, but overdone. Between the size of this piece, the side reflectors and what ever else is attached to it, surely someone has come up with a mod that makes it less "visual". Shorten it with a hacksaw?? How's that for southern engineering?? :)

...the license plate mount...seems to me a little overdone...surely someone has come up with a mod that makes it less "visual". Shorten it with a hacksaw??...
That is an oft discussed topic. [fire suit on] I typed +rear +fender in the search box, scanned the topic titles and chose a couple to look at -- ONE -- TWO. [fire suit off] While a good thought and a visual improvement, it is a bad idea for most people. In fact, there are a balancing number of posts about rear fender extension. Take a look at the two links.

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I haven't even taken possession of my new FJR yet and I'm already thinking about making some changes (ah, the modding bug is everywhere!!). the license plate mount and (I assume) combination rear splash guard seems to me a little overdone. Effective I assume, but overdone. Between the size of this piece, the side reflectors and what ever else is attached to it, surely someone has come up with a mod that makes it less "visual". Shorten it with a hacksaw?? How's that for southern engineering?? :)


So, when you are really cool, you don't wanna be like all the other kidz.

You don't do the tail chop! Hell no!! you do the TAIL DROP!

[edit] note the well worn PR2 under the FenDah EXtenDah


Whazzat? Never heard of the FJR-NERDS? <<-- click dat

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...the license plate mount...seems to me a little overdone...surely someone has come up with a mod that makes it less "visual". Shorten it with a hacksaw??...
That is an oft discussed topic. [fire suit on] I typed +rear +fender in the search box, scanned the topic titles and chose a couple to look at -- ONE -- TWO. [fire suit off] While a good thought and a visual improvement, it is a bad idea for most people. In fact, there are a balancing number of posts about rear fender extension. Take a look at the two links.
Ah, the search button is your friend... Thanks for the links. Very good information. Like has been said, for every one that has been chopped, there is another that wished they hadn't done it.

I'll just wait and see.

Thanks, everybody!

If it never rains where you live or you never ride in the rain, go ahead a chop it. ;) FJR throws up a rooster tail that rivals most PWC's.


Don't do it., or you'll be sorry. Don't ask how I know. :(

If you do it, save the piece so you can graft it on later.

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For some people looks trumps performance and practicality. I have owned some butt ugly bikes but the performance and practicality melted my heart and blinded my eyes :lol: Some people wouldn't even test sit the bikes because they weren't pretty :fie:

Don't do it, sure on a typical rocket it cleans up the rear end and their high tail, but on the FJR it looks fine as is.

I haven't even taken possession of my new FJR yet and I'm already thinking about making some changes (ah, the modding bug is everywhere!!). the license plate mount and (I assume) combination rear splash guard seems to me a little overdone. Effective I assume, but overdone. Between the size of this piece, the side reflectors and what ever else is attached to it, surely someone has come up with a mod that makes it less "visual". Shorten it with a hacksaw?? How's that for southern engineering?? :)

Contrary to the herds direction, I got the hacksaw/dremmel out and made it more tolerable in my eyes. Have yet to feel the pain everyone has explained above but figure I can just purchase a new inner fender if it bothers me that much.


Contrary to the herds direction, I got the hacksaw/dremmel out and made it more tolerable in my eyes. Have yet to feel the pain everyone has explained above but figure I can just purchase a new inner fender if it bothers me that much.
NERDS not herds! ;)

Just be aware that your black plastic rear fender (part number 3P6-21611-00-00) lists for over $100. :eek:

PS - I did the rear fender bob on my VFR. On that bike it looks really good, especially with the high mount staintune. ;)





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For some people looks trumps performance and practicality. I have owned some butt ugly bikes but the performance and practicality melted my heart and blinded my eyes :lol: Some people wouldn't even test sit the bikes because they weren't pretty :fie:
Given a continuum of appreciation for performance vs. aesthetics, I'll admittedly lean slightly towards the latter, probably because I'm still something of a new rider. I've never seriously pushed limits on a motorcycle because I know I'm just not that skilled yet.

Nevertheless, when I chose the FJR after an exhaustive search of various bikes over several years, I did so for features, performance and certainly aesthetics! I think it's the sharpest looking vehicle out there. (Even with butt-ugly fender mods! :lol: )

...appreciation for performance vs. aesthetics, I'll admittedly lean slightly towards the latter...I chose the FJR...for features, performance and certainly aesthetics! I think it's the sharpest looking vehicle out there...

Are you and your family standing on a beach near Merritt Island awaiting a spectacular event tomorrow afternoon?


NERDS not herds! ;)
Have never had a problem on my other bike with this mod either, Husky TE510, that I regularly blast through mud, water and snow so figured that since the FJR will rarely leave pavement it won't be too significant.




Even my cruiser had a modified plate location without any issues.. sorry about the shapely obstruction in the photo ;)

