license plates

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This one is mine...


Thought about it but didn't do it. 'NOKILLI' (A note from the tunnelling beast on the original Star Trek)

I gotta go take a picture of mine, but I was just remembering one I saw a while back. Picture a very large Chevy Suburban, large tires, covered on the top and one side with racks for holding skis and poles.

The plate read 4 SKI N.

Yeah, that's one way to read it, but the other reminds me of a Little Feat song, "Skin It Back". Not sure how this plate got by the Oregon state examiners.

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It was harder to find in California, but every iteration was available in Nevada, so I took this one:


Plates on the 'vette...



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When I took the ERC last year, one of the instructors had this on his Road Glide...

He explained the meaning to DMV officials as "HD POSITIVE".
That looks like rider coach Hals bike.

When I was becoming a Rider Coach he was my trainer. I guess he has had to explain it a few times to LEOs and tells the POS = Professor Of Safety. Something about the LEOs have more brain cells the those who work at DMV.

My kids think I should try to get F KING. I am always say "F king" when I am angry. Cause I just don't like the sound of the fword. Although sometimes it just fits. I don't think it would make it past the tag sensors. wudauthink?
