Like Steve McQueen

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I watched "Le Mans" this weekend starring Steve McQueen, what a coincidence,,,

The sound of the Porsche 917 running an air cooled flat 12 was awesome! The Ferrari he was racing against was running a flat 12 as well I believe.

Some day I'm going to get to the Monterey historics to see and (better yet) hear the various 12 cylinder cars that were run in the early 1970's - Porsche/Ferrari/Matra, all great machines with screaming engines.

Really enjoyed your pics, and a "high five" to Chad for being such a good guy!


I have been waiting to see this for a while now Dave, very cool indeed!

Hope you had time for a drink with "Dad", very cool.

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HooBoy! What a cool report.

Hanging with the McQueen family and other motorcyclista at the fund raiser event would be cool enough, but you got to ride a limited edition McQueen Triumph? I am (olive drab) green with envy.

I was especially intrigued to learn of McQueen's "Boys Republic" connection and experience. I never knew that about him. I always thought that he was the real deal, but that just cements it. It increases my esteem of him even more to know he came from such humble emotional beginnings.

Thanks for sharing the report. It sure sounds like you have quite a nice gig going on out there. ;)
Fred, He not only get's to ride the Steve Mc Queen limited edition bike, he owns it! :yahoo:
Thanks Marcus for giving us "the rest of the story" as Paul Harvey would always say, I didn't pick up on that fact (I thought is was related to his work!). Now I am fully with Niehart, Bastard!!
That is only half the story. Wait 'til he can share the rest of it. Then you will really be with Niehart...

That bike is nicer than what he described to me. Way cool Hudson! :yahoo: :clapping:

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Hudson, the bile is too cool. But call when you get the bullet mustang. They are one of my other vices. And bullet is the holy Grail.

Courtesy of Fairlaner, here's some video of the Mulholland run.

The fastest I'll ever come to being like SMQ is if I speed the video up 4x speed.

In my defense, I did have only 200 miles on the bike and was trying to be careful about breaking in the bike. Uhhh...yeah...that's my story and I'm sticking to it.

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Now that's how to break the new girl in. :clapping:

Easy to see why everyone likes to play on that road so much. Nice turns and great scenery.

Courtesy of Fairlaner, here's some video of the Mulholland run.

The fastest I'll ever come to being like SMQ is if I speed the video up 4x speed.

In my defense, I did have only 200 miles on the bike and was trying to be careful about breaking in the bike. Uhhh...yeah...that's my story and I'm sticking to it.
thanks for the video. in the original posts all i saw was the text "posted image" (but not photos).

Nice video and good music selection that seems to have been produced for this thread!...enjoyed it immensely Fairlaner! You're getting better. :lol:

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I enjoyed the whole thing so much that I am not even jealous. The name dropping and cool celebrity pics did not even affect me. Oh hell, I am over here crying over my pathetic, miserable life! This is just awesome! Please do more of this, even if you do make me feel like a loser when I read it.

Ever since MS changed Windows Live recently, I've had a few issues. I love the service, but something is up. Could be the BBS here too doesn't like their format.

Redfish, any time you are spending on a motorcycle is a great time. The only miserable part is all that waiting until you have time to go riding.

I used to fill weekends with too much work, and too much stuff that didn't get me closer to the things and people I care about. The past 5 years, I finally figured out how to make them one and the same, which is why I found myself in Malibu riding the canyons instead of looking out the window of a wet gloomy June day, wondering when it was going to dry out so I could go riding. And if I was stuck at home? Well, I would have taken my boys and headed out with Auburn for Dino Days...

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