I've always been very partial to Radiantz stuff, but the problem I frequently had with the AMP'd style FLEX strips was the cap coming loose. Did they ever really solve that? I always ended up having to place some silicone in the tip to keep it held in.These below are what I'm currently using on my Beemer (I use a 10.5" smoked tubed-one, in red, mounted just under my tail-rack). I've tried about 50 different LED strips etc. These are 'THE VERY BEST' (strip wise). They also cost the most of any I've tried. Man, this is just too familiar in the M/C world, better always costs more, darn-it!
They used those on a custom run/turn/brake light outfit I had for my Kawasaki Meanstreak. And YES, they were bright enough to be easily seen, even in the day time.
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