LindaT Custom Tankbags

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Exceedingly sano...and as you know, you went to the right person. I could not believe the numbe of Linda T. tank and aux fuel cell bags in the parking lot of this years Iron Butt Rally. I'll be looking for you at the Cal 24 for a first hand walkaround of that beauty.

Paul Peloquin

Monmouth OR

IBA #333

Exceedingly sano...and as you know, you went to the right person. I could not believe the numbe of Linda T. tank and aux fuel cell bags in the parking lot of this years Iron Butt Rally. I'll be looking for you at the Cal 24 for a first hand walkaround of that beauty.
Paul Peloquin

Monmouth OR

IBA #333

Paul, my paperwork and my money are already sent in -

see you there !

Exceedingly sano...and as you know, you went to the right person. I could not believe the numbe of Linda T. tank and aux fuel cell bags in the parking lot of this years Iron Butt Rally. I'll be looking for you at the Cal 24 for a first hand walkaround of that beauty.
Paul Peloquin

Monmouth OR

IBA #333
Yo! Pee-Pee!

You coulda got a top 10 in the IBR if you woulda had one of Lynda's tank bags! Whatcha waiting for?

Greg Marbach

Snottsdale, AZ

IBA #327 :p

FYI, Linda replied to an E-mail I sent her, and she will make the bags with less obvious logo's, or even no logo's at all, if that is what the customer wants. I need to start saving my pennies.

Great question, Trigger ... you read my mind and beat me to the race to contact her.

Has anyone asked her if she would consider offering a discount if she received X number of orders at some set time in the future? If not, maybe we should determine how many people would be seriously interested and then get back to her with a number?

Guys ... who would be seriously interested?

Bueller? Bueller?

I am getting one whether it is part of a group buy or not. I can tell you that if you want one like the one Hal has you had better figure on spending over $500 or $600. While that isn't cheap, I don't mind spending the money to get the EXACT tank bag I want.

On a side note, I have the Rigg Tail bag permanently mounted to my bike as shown here

I am thinking about trying to design a FJR specific tail bag to mount in a similar fashion, and then see how much Linda would want to make it. I will let you all know what I come up with, or if there are other members who have used this set up and want to share ides let me know, and I will start a separate thread.

I was thinking, as I am getting ready to order one of these tank bags, that if you have the power input on the front of the bag (as shown) don't you have to unplug any leads going into or out of the bag every time you go to fill up with gas? While I like the idea of having powered things in the bag, having to unplug, and then plug them back in every time I fill up seams like it would be a PITA.

I was thinking, as I am getting ready to order one of these tank bags, that if you have the power input on the front of the bag (as shown) don't you have to unplug any leads going into or out of the bag every time you go to fill up with gas? While I like the idea of having powered things in the bag, having to unplug, and then plug them back in every time I fill up seams like it would be a PITA.
"Linda installs a waterproof Powerlet bulkhead as an option - this allows you to power anything you want - I'll be using it for my Starcom1, (out from under the pillion seat), charge my cell phone, and power my GMRS radio when needed."

edit:I thought I had it figured out but do not.

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I understand having all of the electronics in the bag, and that there will only be one power feed going to the bulkhead, but you will still have to unplug the power in, and any of the items that are running out through the nifty little flap Hal had on the side of his bag.

How about placing the power bulkead on the backside of the bag, and using a coiled power cord? Then, when fueling is needed, simply unclip the front, rotate the bag backwards. Less cord length will be needed as the pivot point and bulkhead location are the same.

When I need to move the bag to fuel - I simply unfasten the REAR straps - and fold it forward, exposing the top of the tank. I don't have to disconnect anything.

Should you be feeding your power and comm in from the rear, you could easily do the reverse, and disconnect the FRONT, folding it backwards.

Lots of different options.

If I'm in a "one day" rally mode and all I need is audio from the 2730, I can just remove the tank bag entirely, and run with just the rally book and panniers. Ear buds plug directly into the 2730 in this case.

I understand having all of the electronics in the bag, and that there will only be one power feed going to the bulkhead, but you will still have to unplug the power in, and any of the items that are running out through the nifty little flap Hal had on the side of his bag.

It's the same location as in the tank bag I wired. I just plug the bag into a Powerlet outlet. One connection powers everything inside the bag. Short cord (would be even better if a coiled one) and I just flip the bag out of the way to gas up. Hers would work even better as mine is magnetic.

Was just going through some of my photos from the IBR, and I determined that,'re set-up is waaaay to clean looking.

Here's a photo of Mike Evans' (ssfd110) FJR with it's LindaT custom tank bag prior to the start of the IBR:


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Uh, "clean" means different things to people that deprive their brains of oxygen and social interaction for 11 days straight. :blink:

Maybe "efficient and functional" would be a better description.....the picture gives me a woody personally....because my PO2 level is still under 90%. ;)

Linda T does great work.

He said Hal's set up was clean, not the one in the picture. Or at least that is what I hope he meant.

It might not be clean but I believe in function over form, to some extent. I know exactly where everything is and can find it in the dark :) If I were talented enough I would have captions pop up when you hovered over a farkle to explain it's use.


IBA# 328

Was just going through some of my photos from the IBR, and I determined that,'re set-up is waaaay to clean looking.
Here's a photo of Mike Evans' (ssfd110) FJR with it's LindaT custom tank bag prior to the start of the IBR:
