Looks like the '06+ VStream is finally available

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Well-known member
Mar 30, 2006
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Fate, TX (30 miles east of Dallas)

The VStream is the one I originially wanted to get, but I bought the CalSci tall late last year when I couldn't wait any longer (I needed better protection for the Winter). At least they had the decency to wait to bring the new VStream out until way after I got mine. Had they gotten theirs out a week after I got the CalSci I would've been PO'd.

CalSci has been fine (much better than stock), but I think I would've liked to've had the better plastic (and possibly better airflow) of the VStream. Then again, it's hard to know the difference since I've only ever experienced the CalSci.

I don't know if I want to buy one now. After getting dicked around one year with them saying it'd be ready every 2 weeks. Absolute bunch of bs. No one should do business that way.

ok, now that I'm off my soapbox...who's gonna be be the first to buy one and write a review for us with a compairison to the cee bailey +2h +2w with flip?


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I am really surprised some of you arm chair designers haven't designed the perfect shield for the rest of us instead of waiting a year to see if someone else has.

I plan to get one, but probably not until early summer. I have to get a new suit and that's where my $ are going for the time being.

The VStream is the one I originially wanted to get, but I bought the CalSci tall late last year when I couldn't wait any longer (I needed better protection for the Winter). At least they had the decency to wait to bring the new VStream out until way after I got mine. Had they gotten theirs out a week after I got the CalSci I would've been PO'd.

CalSci has been fine (much better than stock), but I think I would've liked to've had the better plastic (and possibly better airflow) of the VStream. Then again, it's hard to know the difference since I've only ever experienced the CalSci.
+1 on the CalSci Shield. I have the Tall and it's definately better than stock, but not 100% for me. The large port at the bottom let's too much air through (for me). Really bad in the cool weather at highway speed. I thought about trying a Cee Bailey (don't want the reported back pressure though). I'm wondering if the flip is the trick. Guess I'll have to throw the V-Stream in the mix now, but not sure the V-Stream will be tall enough for me (I'm 6-3", 36" inseem). I'll probably wait until something happens to me CalSci before I try something else. I will definately be keeping my ears open though on reports on the V-Stream.


I just called

According to Steve,"They are wrapping everything up right now and it should be ready in TWO WEEKS. I don't know why its on the web site yet."

Gee, did some one say two weeks? :angry:

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I just called
According to Steve,"They are wrapping everything up right now and it should be ready in TWO WEEKS. I don't know why its on the web site yet."

Gee, did some one say two weeks? :angry:

Say it ain't so Joe, say it ain't so....

How do they stay inbusiness? They told me the same thing months ago.........but to advertise a product you don't have in production is lunacy. Just my rant.

Well I took the bite and placed an order. The email response was that it would be processed and shipped within 1-2 days and allow 7-10 days for shipping. Probably just the standard response but will keep all of you posted on actuak delivery. I'll d oa write up on it once its installed.

I got the same response from Mike at University Motors. See below...

"Well, I just got off the phone with my supplier and they are still Over 2 weeks out or so they say. (but thats what they've been telling us for like 9 months now, so I have no idea what to tell you) So I don't have a price on them yet I'm afraid. All I can say is that when they actually have them available to ship we'll be the first to know. I'll keep you name in a list and let you know when I do. If you have nay questions please let me know."

Well I took the bite and placed an order. The email response was that it would be processed and shipped within 1-2 days and allow 7-10 days for shipping. Probably just the standard response but will keep all of you posted on actuak delivery. I'll d oa write up on it once its installed.



I got sick of waiting and finally ordered the Calsci last week. An extra tall as I am 6'5". Does anyone currently ride an 06 with an extra tall shield? What are your thoughts? I need to call Mike and cancel the Vstream as I have been on the list since last summer!

Well I took the bite and placed an order. The email response was that it would be processed and shipped within 1-2 days and allow 7-10 days for shipping. Probably just the standard response but will keep all of you posted on actuak delivery. I'll d oa write up on it once its installed.


Some of us are just too gullible and trust that things are suppose to be as they are represented. I've gone this long waiting s oif its still a bit longer I can live with it. But you are correct that they have strung this one along for so long that it is hard to take them at their word.

Sound Familiar?

Hello Ali,

We are a week or two away from having them actually produced. We were waiting on a European traffic endorsement, but have decided to make a run of DOT only approved shields. These will be limited and mainly to fill existing orders. We are taking pre-orders over the internet and over the phone right night.

Best Regards,

National Cycle, Inc.




>>> "Ali Gilan (MSN)" <> 03/06/07 02:40PM >>>

I see the vstream for the 2006 Yamaha FJR is now being sold on the web site.

Is it really available or will it be another two weeks?



VStreamR Replacement Windshield

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I ordered one today from the website - I will keep everyone updated (if they charge me, when it ships, etc). Then write a review against the stock. I live near a highway, so will ride old one up to 90 MPH and then change and ride immediately to tell difference.
Since My Cal-sci arrived today I thought I would call National and inquire about the V-stream. Also, since it has been the proverbial 2-weeks since the last post.

Guess what: "We are taking orders now but expect a week to two weeks before we ship"

National I hope you read this.

I got sick of waiting and finally ordered the Calsci last week. An extra tall as I am 6'5". Does anyone currently ride an 06 with an extra tall shield? What are your thoughts? I need to call Mike and cancel the Vstream as I have been on the list since last summer!

I have the calsci x-tall, installed 2 weeks ago... not a lot of riding time on it yet, but at 6'2 and 36 inseam, I am noticing that at about 35-45% raised im not feeling wind blast nor turbulence now at all.. at full height raised, I still look over the shield ( which I wanted in the first place) ... I do notice at full raised it looks more like barn door than I would have liked... but for function, for me, it seems like its gonna work out ok....

would I change anything? ya, if I had known to ask, would have gotten a light gray tint (not even sure if offered), as I got the clear...


Sound Familiar?
Hello Ali,

We are a week or two away from having them actually produced. We were waiting on a European traffic endorsement, but have decided to make a run of DOT only approved shields. These will be limited and mainly to fill existing orders. We are taking pre-orders over the internet and over the phone right night.

Best Regards,

National Cycle, Inc.




>>> "Ali Gilan (MSN)" <> 03/06/07 02:40PM >>>

I see the vstream for the 2006 Yamaha FJR is now being sold on the web site.

OK National Cycle, here is my story. I want one so I called and placed an order. I asked if there was anything around that I could have ASAP. I think greg or John told me that they were not even in production yet and no way could they get one out.. You Have all my info, credit card, address and stuff. If U are r going to ship I want one. Please let me know [email protected] 07 FJR ABS

Stephen Wilber :headbonk: :headbonk:

Is it really available or will it be another two weeks?



VStreamR Replacement Windshield
Well I took the bite and placed an order. The email response was that it would be processed and shipped within 1-2 days and allow 7-10 days for shipping. Probably just the standard response but will keep all of you posted on actuak delivery. I'll d oa write up on it once its installed.

bogey - it has been over 2 weeks, have you seen your Vstream yet?

I saw a National Cycle ad for the VStream for the FJR (among others) in the April issue of Rider, so I was wondering if they were now shipping.

