Lost a great buddy

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Well-known member
Apr 4, 2007
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Seoul. Korea
(see last post for a happy update...)

The guy in my avatar picture, 12 year old golden, chased his last ball today.

What makes this so tough is that I have been on an extended business trip out of the country, and my wife had to deal with the whole thing on her own. His health had not been great over the last months, but he was ok recently. She was to join me in Chicago today, but cancelled her trip when it was apparent he would not make it until we returned. He went so fast, about a week.

His name was Toggi, which in Korean means rabbit. We went "just to look" and brought him home, on Easter Sunday, 1996. He would never leave my side when I was home. He would lay next to me on the floor as I lay on the couch. Play ball till he was lame. Eat a whole bowl of dry food in 12 seconds. Had to have been the happiest living thing on the face of the earth. My wife said that even down to the end, he just wanted to play, eat and wag his tail...

I am so grateful for my compassionate and loving wife. She has put so much time in to all of us, asking nothing in return. She had such amazing strength to handle all this, and has truly made me a better man.

I miss you buddy, and I am so sorry I missed your last weeks with us. I know that you are now pain free, and will forever be in our hearts...

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So sorry about your loss.

I had to put my buddy down on November 30, 2007

I had a similar scenario where my wife had to deal with it because I was away. Fortunately her sister was available

All I can say is, with time, it does get better.

Someday we will get another dog but for right know I have not been able to go there

Feeling your pain....

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I can feel your pain as I read the words. Lost our Golden 8 years ago to cancer. Still hurts to think of him. He was with us for 15 wonderful years. After some time you will find a new love. Dogs are the best. In time.

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So sorry for your loss! It seems that us FJR riders have a strong connection to our canine friends. Thanks for sharing with us.

Dragonchef....so sorry to read of your loss...I just lost my Golden, Autumn 4 weeks ago and she was 12yo. I also miss her very much. I will share with you my last thoughts...

"Simply after a life time together, her eyes looked into mine, almost into my soul and I felt in an instant she wanted me to get close and stroke her as she went to sleep, I'll never forget sharing that moment with her."

I feel you loss..


sorry to hear. we have 2 cats that are like kids to us. just the thought of the older one passing on gets my wife worked up.


So sorry to hear of your loss...my thoughts are with you and Toggi (very good name btw). He will live forever in your hearts as you said.

Take care.

In Sympathy,


Sorry for your loss.

I lost my best friend (Katie)back in Sept while we were away for the weekend. I think it truly is like loosing a kid. I miss her.

Just recently, the kids brought in a new pup. I keep chastising this little shit for ripping up my stuff, and I told my wife he's no "Katie", and she tells me to give him time, he's still just a pup.

It's a love/hate thing for sure that's 50/50 at the moment. I have to fix the garage door opener for the 8th time this week cause he chews through the wires. I am down to no more wire to splice and have to get out the soldering gun.

It is hard to lose such a good friend. The unconditional love you get from a dog is a wonderful thing. It is also nice to come home when there is always someone happy to see you. It sounds like you have many good memories. Treasure them.

Dragonchef, sorry to hear about the loss of Toggi, your buddy and companion. I know how big a hole in your life and heart it is when one of our furry friends leaves us.

Remember all the good times, and belly laughs you had because of him.

Dogs are the best. We have six. Two are sooooo old that they have already lost all there teeth. A third has started losing his. Two are completely gray-faced from age and are nearly bald on their backs. They are probably ugly to most.

Their days are short. Don't know what we're gonna do then.

I feel for ya'll.


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