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Why yes, I am a Smart ASS
Feb 15, 2006
Reaction score
Alabaster, AL
I was FINALLY able to coax my wife into going for a two-up ride!

I came home from a MSF experienced rider coarse today, and the kids were with G-pa. I was able to get her to ride to dinner and the video store. prob less than 5 miles. But its a start!!

I have never driven two-up (what a change in handling gotta adjust tha rear shock!) and she had never been on a bike! Finally got to pull the plastic wrap of her helmet.

She got more comfy as we road, and could see us doing it again!

Congrats. . . it only takes one time and they learn to love it. My "EX" wife(thank goodness) really liked to ride and once we could get someone to watch the kids, we always went. Now my girlfriend loves to ride and jumped on the back of mine without a problem.

I always found with my other bikes, I would just rev it up a bit and women soon realize the benefit of riding for them too. ;)

<sigh> i guess it's the NEXT best thing. as for me, i like the arrangement at my house. the first time my not-yet-wife saw my old valkyrie, she said "if we become a thing, you can sell the bitch seat. i ride my own bike." well that was one of many nails in the coffin, along with her intellect, her beauty, and her ability to call my shyte without malice. i must admit, i don't miss the load on the pillon, and i DO like chasing her around the corners, but i fear her magna is a bit over-matched now....

nice to have 'em along tho, sometimes...


Congrats. My wife was the same way years ago. Then after seeing the other ladies in the club riding their own bikes she went to the MSF begiiner course. She now has her own Honda 750 Aero.

Good to hear that your wife is interested in riding with you. Now she understands your need to ride.

I prefer to ride solo and have a spare bike for my wife. She used to ride with me pretty regularly but seems to have lost interest in bikes in recent years. On the bright side, my oldest daughter has the bug and asked for her own bike as her college graduation present. Hopefully I'll get a few years riding with her before she moves on to a husband and kids and all that other silly stuff that people do when they start acting like an adult.

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Good to hear that your wife is interested in riding with you. Now she understands your need to ride.
I prefer to ride solo and have a spare bike for my wife. She used to ride with me pretty regularly but seems to have lost interest in bikes in recent years. On the bright side, my oldest daughter has the bug and asked for her own bike as her college graduation present. Hopefully I'll get a few years riding with her before she moves on to a husband and kids and all that other silly stuff that people do when they start acting like an adult.
cool. i gave my youngest daughter (now 22) as MSF course for her birthday, and she occasionally rides with us. she doesn't have her own bike yet due to finances, but she comes up to the island and rides the wife's bike. since i can't seem to sell the old naked wing, we can all three ride together. of course, i guess i'll have to watch my wife on the feejer while i ride the wing and jo rides the magna. at 5'5" and just over 100 lbs, i don't see her comfy on the wing, and i KNOW she's not putting her early mileage on my new scoot!

as to my wife handling the FJR, well, let's just say that the only time i ever rode bitch on my valkyrie was after a couple beers too many and hollie rode me home. at the time she was benching her weight with free weights and working as a firefighter with me. just another one of those nails in the coffin that ended up with the words "i do".



Good to hear that your wife is interested in riding with you. Now she understands your need to ride.
I prefer to ride solo and have a spare bike for my wife. She used to ride with me pretty regularly but seems to have lost interest in bikes in recent years. On the bright side, my oldest daughter has the bug and asked for her own bike as her college graduation present. Hopefully I'll get a few years riding with her before she moves on to a husband and kids and all that other silly stuff that people do when they start acting like an adult.
"She used to ride with me pretty regularly but seems to have lost interest in bikes in recent years."

I'd be willing to bet that she just feels the next to relax (when she gets the time) without feeling like she has to compete.... It's a girl thing... <G>


Rding two-up is a great responsibility since now you are responsible for the safety of your better half as well as yourself. Be sure to take many short rides and learn how the bike handles with two before venturing on extended trips.

The major things to be aware of is 1) braking takes longer and is less responsive with two because of the weight and 2) make sure you tell the passenger that they don't have to do any leaning for you- because someday you'll have a pillion quickly lean over when you are not expecting it and whammy! I instruct the passenger not to lean, but simply to just look over my should on the side we are turning towards. This gives them just the right position so that they aren't working against me either!

I have a handicapped sister in law- who didn't understand these instructions. As I was going through a tight left turn the bike was not responding well to my pushing on the left bar. As I looked back to see my sister in law in my mirrors she was no where in the left mirror- but rather fully hanging off on the right :eek: no wonder I couldn't turn. Just a lesson to make sure your pillion knows how bikes handle and that they understand the simnple directions -not to do much to help you :)

As I've said before, I think my sweetie still thinks the FJR is Satin Spawn. She hasn't been pillion since I sold the Wing. But garauld is welding me up his rack and back rest combo, which I'm hoping will do the trick...

Good to hear of your cherry pops! :D

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. As I was going through a tight left turn the bike was not responding well to my pushing on the left bar. As I looked back to see my sister in law in my mirrors she was no where in the left mirror- but rather fully hanging off on the right :eek: no wonder I couldn't turn. Just a lesson to make sure your pillion knows how bikes handle and that they understand the simnple directions -not to do much to help you :)
We did that one last night. and she got a quick course "What part of hug me like spandex and do as I do" did you not hear? All was better after that.

Later we watched an AMA race together Matt Mladin won big suprise. she did do an "oh my god" at the cornering those guys do and the rear end break-outs and how quickly they recover.

MsRad had a great fall at MSF, hasn't been on 2 wheels in any position since. Just as well she dumped it there, she's a 2 wheel klutz, and would've lost it somewhere eventually, if it hadn't happened there. Not everyone should ride, some insist though, and give their all balancing the statistical average. ;)

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My wife rides on the FJR, but she doesn't like freeway traffic. (who does?) She doesn't ride on the sportbikes.

When we first got married she told me about riding with a guy on his Harley, leaning around the corner at a local landmark corner. I took here for a ride on that corner on a GSXR and scraped the pegs. She almost pissed her pants. She doesn't think much of 1/4 mile runs either!


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