Louder Horn any recomendations?

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yeah, Magnum Blasters bro... They'll rattle your teeth and make you crap your shorts when they go off..

WarChild has a very nice wiring diagram for them here:


(or you can purchase the prefab kit from Randy which I hear is very nice)

I agree. I bought my "blasters" at Auto Zone. They don't go by that name, but I'm pretty sure they are actually the exact same horn. There are some good write-ups here on the forum as to how to install them. I'm extremely happy with the results.

Good Luck!

I have one of Randy's wiring kits, came with my bike, but I didn't use it, so you can have it for say $10 + shipping from 97204 (your preference USPS, UPS or FedEx Ground).

Send me a PM if interested.

Oh, and the Magnum Blasters are awesome!

EDIT: I now have 3 people in line for the harness. I highly doubt the first person will fall through, let alone the next two in line. So, I guess what my long winded intent is, the harness is sold.

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Patience with the newb. This is one of those examples where it just ain't as clear as you might think. I know what you are thinking: Search. But, being in the learning curve on searches myself, I thought I would try this one out. What seems logical doesn't find much logic. If you go to the top bar, select search, then enter horns and then select perform search... You don't exactly get what you would think.

If you go back and change from 'search entire post' to 'search titles only' then you get somewhere. (Iggy just taught me that one today) It takes a little getting used to. It's easy to make mistakes with the search and not find what you want and (for the newbs) think that the info is not there.

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Patience with the newb. It's easy to make mistakes with the search and not find what you want and (for the newbs) think that the info is not there.

I find using "search" a bit humorous at times. I know what I'm looking for is around somewhere since the last crash, but I'll be damned if "search" will find it for me using what I think are logical search terms in most instances. Maybe I need to be schooled.

I'm looking for a louder horn for my FJR AE. Does anybody have any input or recomendations ????
NAPA Freeway Blasters & FJRandy's wiring harness (available here). The NAPA horns pack a good punch in a smaller package (no plastic cutting, at least on my '04) than the Magnum Blasters, which can get into the way, at least that was my experience. YMMV.
I'm looking for a louder horn for my FJR AE. Does anybody have any input or recomendations ????
NAPA Freeway Blasters & FJRandy's wiring harness (available here). The NAPA horns pack a good punch in a smaller package (no plastic cutting, at least on my '04) than the Magnum Blasters, which can get into the way, at least that was my experience. YMMV.
I've got the magnum blasters...saw Toecutter's solution and his is the way to go. Same volume, better fit.

I have the Nautilus air horn, my friend has the blasters. Heard them side by side and IMHO the Nautilus is louder, definitly a higher piercing tone. The down side is there is a bit more modification involved in order to make it fit and I do not know if the Nautilus would fit on the 06 given the radiator changes. FJRandy would be my first source of inquiry about the Nautilus and it's ability to fit on the 06. He built my harness as well. Extremely satisfied w/my horn :yahoo:

Patience with the newb. This is one of those examples where it just ain't as clear as you might think...
Bullcocky. I just did the search for 'horn' under 'Parts and Accessories', and came up with no less than ten applicable threads. If we did our job like good little netizens we would not have so many scattered threads. I know, I know, keeps it interesting and its a free world and all that crap, but hey man, forums are a great resource for info, and segmenting the material undermines it.

OK, I'm done. Flame me if you like, but I will not give in!! :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r:


Not going to flame you man. I just disagree. It assumes that people have a certain understanding of the logic and/or location of stuff. Such is obviously not always the case. It is easier for those who have been here a while. There is an intuitive knowledge of what's what and where. You would think that searching everywhere would be better, but the results don't work that way. You need a fair amount of information in order to perform a good search. Such as you knowing the results would be better limited to a certain area and not the whole forum. I can just empathize with the "search-challenged" as I am one. (I am currently going to search school)

Besides, some don't mind just replying "Yeah, we talked in length about that, here's the link."

Iggy did that just yesterday. "Duplicate thread, here's the link, closed." I really appreciated that and I am sure the newb did vs. the optional dogpile. It actually looked as though we were really welcoming the newbs to the house and were going to take the time to show 'em around.

I am sure this is frustrating for the admins as the house has grown exponentially. It has to be overwhelming most of the time. But, that is why this place is the best.

Go with the Stebel from California Touring and use Randy's wiring harness.

Mine will knock the paint off of the ass-end of a cage every time.


Patience with the newb. This is one of those examples where it just ain't as clear as you might think...
Bullcocky. I just did the search for 'horn' under 'Parts and Accessories', and came up with no less than ten applicable threads. If we did our job like good little netizens we would not have so many scattered threads. I know, I know, keeps it interesting and its a free world and all that crap, but hey man, forums are a great resource for info, and segmenting the material undermines it.

OK, I'm done. Flame me if you like, but I will not give in!! :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r:

Not going to flame you man. I just disagree. It assumes that people have a certain understanding of the logic and/or location of stuff. Such is obviously not always the case. It is easier for those who have been here a while. There is an intuitive knowledge of what's what and where. You would think that searching everywhere would be better, but the results don't work that way. You need a fair amount of information in order to perform a good search. Such as you knowing the results would be better limited to a certain area and not the whole forum. I can just empathize with the "search-challenged" as I am one. (I am currently going to search school)Besides, some don't mind just replying "Yeah, we talked in length about that, here's the link."

Iggy did that just yesterday. "Duplicate thread, here's the link, closed." I really appreciated that and I am sure the newb did vs. the optional dogpile. It actually looked as though we were really welcoming the newbs to the house and were going to take the time to show 'em around.

I am sure this is frustrating for the admins as the house has grown exponentially. It has to be overwhelming most of the time. But, that is why this place is the best.
Alright, ALRIGHT, DAMNIT! I confess. I like the dogpile, OK?

Besides, do you see what I look like? I am a dog, damn you! Woof!


Alright, ALRIGHT, DAMNIT! I confess. I like the dogpile, OK?
Besides, do you see what I look like? I am a dog, damn you! Woof!

Y'know, BD, if you had 5 miles for every post you'd made.....

BTW, I think I recall you saying you'd moved? You still in SoFla?
