Damn guys, thanks for the plug! I'm blushing. OK, not really but after installing LOTS of different horns on LOTS of different FJR's. Here's the skinny......
On ANY year FJR, if you do not trim the inner black fairing the horns will be TOO close to the forks! Period! I learned this the hard way, coming into a tight righthand corner hard on the brakes and caught the MB horn on the Superbrace. Scared the living **** outa me when I couldn't turn left!
The main goal when mounting any model horn on the FJR is to get it as high up and outward as humanly possible. The better this is done, the less chance of the fork hitting the horn. Also, bending the horn bracket so each horn sits at 45 degrees to the radiator helps alot too.
Fact #1....
'03-'05 models using Magnum blasters.....cut the inner fairing to just clear the outline of the horn. There isn't much room on the right side because the coolant tank is there. But there's lots of room on the left to tuck the horn in as outward as possible. With the Freeway Blasters, it's a little easier because the horns aren't as deep.
'06 models have a nice little "indent" where the fatcory horns fit into. Freeway blasters fit perfectly with plenty of fork clearance by just trimming out those indents. Magnum Blasters need approx one more inch fwd of the indent in order to get them to tuck in nicely.
Compact Nautilus will be a bear on the '06 since the right side inner panel will have to be trimmed more than previous years to fit the compressor. But the left side is just about the same install as a left Magnum blaster when the two components are separated.
All of the above info MUST be followed even MORE closely if you have a fork brace installed. You lose a lot of horn clearnce with a fork brace. Again...trust me, I learned firsthand what the outcome will be.
Fact # 2.....or should I say myth?
The Feeway Blasters and the Magnum Blasters have the IDENTICAL output volume! I measured both sets on my bike with a sound level meter at 10'. Stebel claims 139dB at 4 "inches". Are they serious? Who the HELL is gonna be 4" away BEFORE you hit the button? They also claim 112 dB at 1 meter. They're getting closer.
FIAMM claims output of 110 at 1 meter. I got 110 dB at 10 feet on BOTH sets of horns.
Now doesn't sound output at 10' sound more like a useable comparison? Still too close but that's just a length I decided on. OK, truth is my garage is too short, and I didn't want to stand outside in the dead of winter, alright? There ya go. Ten feet it is.
The big difference between the two horns is the TYPE of sound produced. The Freeways have a "Euro" sound and the Magnums sound like Grandpa's Buick. Everyone's ear perceives the output differently, but the meter doesn't lie. Same dB at 10'. Magnums are larger size, Freeways are a little thinner front to back.
Now for the golden question. "How do I properly mount the compact Nautilus to my bike? Good question. If you can't fit it so the horns are in the fornt...FACING forward, sell the horns to some deserving soul and move on. The ONLY proper way to mount the compact Nautilus, AND have enough fork clearance is to split the two components and mount both in the factory locations. Compressor closer to the battery on the right, and horn part on the left. I've heard of some people mounting the whole shebang under the left side fairing but I myself don't do it this way. This puts the horn output behind the fairing, not out in the open air to get the most volume.
If you're a competent fabricator, the job is only time-consuming. If you have no idea how to machine a bushing or fab a couple brackets to mount both components, bring the sleeping bag to the garage. You're gonna be there a while. I made custom brackets, machined an inlet tube to fit in the horn side since it is part of the compressor and can't be removed, and connected the two pieces with a length of 5/16" fuel line.
BTW...I already posted this whole process with pics months ago on the forum.
I've heard some mount their horn on the right side frame under the seat and say it's loud. Of course it's loud! It's blairing in your ****** ear and not at the ******* in front of you! Sure fun scaring a cager to your right, but not much for the guy in front with the cellphone glued to his ear.
The output end of ANY horn mounted should always face front. Facing the output down is fine, but it MUST be in the front to achieve max volume. (output)
Of course, if you'd rather just wake up people to the side or behind you, then knock yourself out and mount it there.
MY horn harness history......
I first installed a set of Freeway Blasters with my custom harness and was impressed.
I then followed the FJR flock and installed the Magnum Blasters. I never did see what the buzz was all about with these horns. MY ears didn't hear any more volume, just a deeper sound. (Again, theory later proven with sound level meter)
Well, after finding out about the Compact Naulius, and always wanting airhorns on my ride, I decided to make up an even HEAVIER duty harness required to run the compressor and custom mount the compact Nautilus.
I'm sticking with this setup because it's just FREAKIN' LOUD! No comparison to the other horns.
But let me say again, if you don't think you can do all that custom install work, you ain't gonna get that thing on there correctly....AND safely.
Another tip for mounting ANY vibrating horn...DO NOT mount the horn tight against any surrounding surface! The horn should be able to vibrate, being suspended by the bracket. It won't vibrate enough and it will sound like it's dead if it's pushed tight against the radiator, side panel, etc. There's a reason the factory horns are out there, floating in the breeze on a rubber mount. Same applies to any vibrating (resonating) horn.
Jestal, you made me crack up with the Nautilus install on the lawnmower! Excellent! Great idea!
I hope all that are interested in putting aftermarket horns on their ride can read this and get something out of it. Being a car audio/alarm/remote starter/12volt accessory installer for 20 years, I hope by now I know just a little about custom fabrication and wiring. No I'm not bragging...just trying to say "been there done that".
I'll check back Sun night after my Sunday ride. It is now 4:05 am eastern. I have to get up at 6 and be out by 7am. 2 hours sleep...not bad.
....now back to your regularly scheduled programming...