Low Speed Front End Oscillation

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New member
Jun 13, 2005
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Long Beach, CA
I've recently noticed a front end oscillation or slight wobble at low speeds under 15mph such as when coming to a stop. It also occurs when entering the highway on a tight turn on-ramp where the speed is slower. There's no wobble in the steering head bearings that I can detect. Can this be a tire problem? I have 9300 miles on the original metzlers. Could an out of balance tire create a situation like this?

Update--See below for tire failure after another 200 miles on this tire.

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Out of balance tire or a tire which has a belt starting to slip could cause this phenomena.

But with 9300 miles, I am with Rogue and betting that you have wear issues, most likely cupping, that is causing the problem.

My original front Metzler did not wear well towards the end of its life.

I concur with Skooter. It's time for new tires.......Try the Shinko's Ravens :D


Run down to the tire store and order the best avons. Do not try to solve a problem that can't be fixed, it = a lot of wwaisted time and frusration . get new avons 45/46 :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

What in the heck is wrong over there at FJRGoodies??? They're actually selling the tires at reasonable prices. :p

I may have to pick up an AV45 from them when I finally get my FJR over there for official determination of the cause of a strange engine noise. ;)

My original Metz-4 front tire was thoroughly used up at 9500 miles, had some very uneven wear, but no unusual wobble I could tell (being a newbie at the time, perhaps). I was soooo glad when I switched it out, at that time with a Michelin Pilot Road. To do it over, I would have swapped out both front and rear when the rear was done at 7500 miles. Have used Avons since and still happy at 31K miles.

I started noticing some steering head slop around 14K, and others have reported loose jesus bolt (steering stem) developing early on, so do keep an eye on the whole system.

+1 for FJRGoodies as mentioned above for tires.

Run down to the tire store and order the best avons. Do not try to solve a problem that can't be fixed, it = a lot of wwaisted time and frusration . get new avons 45/46 [/quote
Just make sure you do not get a "B" model set of V45/46s. They make the FJR wobble, my NOT SO HUMBLE experience !
While all this advice is good I can tell you from experience that new tires, steering head bearings, fork rebuild only mask the problem. I have had the worst problem with the Avons. It was not the tire's fault. The bike ate them. I still have not cured my FJR and it has turned into the low speed brake shudder. I am replacing wheel bearings since that is not to expensive and could be the most dangerous problem. If I was starting over with this issue that is what I would replace first. On previous bikes I have had deceleration wobbles due to worn out rear shocks also.


Oldwin 1 there are a few more things to try : check your axel to see if it is true, have your rim runfor true-ness and your bearing run out in the rim jus a couple of ideas that can cause that problem also check W C tech section good luck

I had the exact same thing with the Z4. 95% chance that's your problem. It was sort of hard to see the cupping on the tire but if you look real hard , you'll see that some tread blocks are higher/lower than adjacent ones- causing the 'oscillation'.

If you roll a small wheel or large marble over the tread blocks, you'll feel the differences.

I am currently experiencing the same problem. I've got about 8K on the Metzeler Z4's and I've noticed some cupping, but it does not look really bad. It "feels" like it may be a wheel bearing because when I use the brake it feels like the wheel does not run true when coming to a stop. Handling is also not very good lately, the front is kinda squirly, most at lower speeds and during slowing and braking.

Any thoughts?

Thanks guys for all the input. I checked the front tire very closely and there is some cupping. I think that's the problem. I'm going to get new tires and see how she feels after that. Now, which tires to get????? My search begins. I'll check the forum here for pros and cons of the different tires. I want what everyone else wants -- long tread life and superb grip.

The cupping may look minimal but I guarantee that if you can see it, that is your problem.

I went with the Avons, good so far.

Sorry to put a damper on this but I have the same problem and changed my front with life still left in it and I still have the problem At times I feel like I'm bobbling along . Its damn annoying as this bike is so smooth apart from this .

I put bridgestones on as they are my favorite tyre

Any other suggestions would be useful :D

While all this advice is good I can tell you from experience that new tires, steering head bearings, fork rebuild only mask the problem. I have had the worst problem with the Avons. It was not the tire's fault. The bike ate them. I still have not cured my FJR and it has turned into the low speed brake shudder. I am replacing wheel bearings since that is not to expensive and could be the most dangerous problem. If I was starting over with this issue that is what I would replace first. On previous bikes I have had deceleration wobbles due to worn out rear shocks also.
I still have not cured my FJR and it has turned into the low speed brake shudder.
Anybody ever tried checking the front brake rotors for excessive run-out and thickness variation?

I'm not sure how much is allowed but I'll guarantee it isn't much if any.

In addition to any an other wear in the suspension parts the brakes could exaggerate the symptoms if they aren't absolutely perfect.

Just a thought since I run into this on all car front brakes so often.

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Well, my problem has now turned into a full blown tire failure. Doing 70 on the highway last night it suddenly felt like I had a flat tire so I pull onto the shoulder and inspect the tire. Still full of air but the center of the front tire had a major bubble for quite a ways around the tire. 9500 miles on the tire. I know that's on the high end mileage wise but it still had tread left. Anybody have any luck with Metzler replacing these?

Ordered a set of Avons today. Looks like I'll be on four wheels for a few days.
