MadMikes Cerbral discussion and...

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Let's see...ah, those are notes my son took regarding his work. I stuck them there so he'd grab them and not leave them in my living room. They've been there for two weeks, so perhaps I should alter my method.
Ooooh, you need Madmike's solution....a box in the garage. I got so tired of "reminding" the girls to pick-up this or not leave that in the familyroom, I got a large cardboard box from the grocery store. Whatever was left laying about went into the box, without comment from "The Dad". Amazingly my young ladies didn't appreciate my humor! The youngest looked for a pair of sneakers for 2 hours before the eldest suggested they look in the box (after I was questioned and responded, "The last time I wore them, I put them back in your closet so you could find them!")....they sorted things in the garage for the rest of the day. :lol: Missing homework, sweaters, jackets, socks, etc., etc., etc. Of course I was treated with icy suspicion for days....but it was worth it! :D From then on those items seemed to NOT be left laying around anymore.

Mom didn't think it was very humorous either, but by then, I was used to that.

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Mom didn't think it was very humorous either, but by then, I was used to that.
Man, that's harsh! You should cut Mom some slack. After all, she had to put up with you as a child. :lol:

Low maintenance hair is a 'Good Thing' . Anything else is just showing the wearer's insecurity. ;)

Maybe we should chip in and buy WC some anti-glare paint or something for his new look. The glare in Reno could be unpleasant. :blink:

By "Mom" I think he meant his Ex-Wife, I know Mike, I don't think she found much of anything funny. :eek:
Yep, Rogue has it correct....the lovely and beautiful ex-Mrs. Madmike, Mom of the kids in the house (Of which I was the eldest.). :lol:
I always capitalize EX. I figure them two letters are expensive and I ought to get the most out of em.


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