Jeeze Jer, I love ya man, but you would pick up and move your entire life for Golf? Seriously?? You have a disease!
Edited to add: You need to take up shooting. It's cheaper and way more fun!! $900/month to chase a white ball around?? Holy Hell...
AJ that is why we are moving, because of the price of golf here. When we first joined it was only $500 per month and for two people playing 4 days a week each that wasn't bad. Now they are asking double that and we decided we won't pay. As far as shooting, I would get bored with that in a hurry.
Oh by the was don't try to get me to move to Albuquerque because I have seen most of it on the TV show breaking bad and another show about people being in protective custody in Albuquerque.
My residence will still be Salem, Oregon, but this area will get us away from the rain. I am not sure what you mean by moving my entire life for golf. This area will give me some great riding in the winter and I will continue to ride out of Oregon in the summer.