Mayers or Russel

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Actually price is about the same for all 3. (I am looking at Vinyl)Very minor difference, under 50$ I think.
Glad you picked that up. I was going to tell you the same thing. Even in leather they are priced close to the same.
I am an engineer!

You know, the type - research, research and when re-check :)

Learned it the hard way!

Actually price is about the same for all 3. (I am looking at Vinyl)Very minor difference, under 50$ I think.
Glad you picked that up. I was going to tell you the same thing. Even in leather they are priced close to the same.

I'll be darned. For some reason, I thought Russells ran between $800 and $1,000. I do see Rick has raised his prices since I bought mine (coulda sworn I paid about $300 - vinyl, driver only)

Had 2 Russells. The first took a long time to commit to (and spent more than it's cost trying options to avoid buying one). The second was the first mod to my FJR and there was no qualm about the investment.

Had 2 Russells. The first took a long time to commit to (and spent more than it's cost trying options to avoid buying one). The second was the first mod to my FJR and there was no qualm about the investment.
FYI when ordering a Russell Seat. I recently asked a questions concerning what a russell would for those of us that are vertically challenged. Here was their response:

I am sorry but our seat has a spring system in it. The spring will raise the seat about 11/2"-2". We can not make any seat lower.

If your vertically challenged, this is not the way to go.


Had 2 Russells. The first took a long time to commit to (and spent more than it's cost trying options to avoid buying one). The second was the first mod to my FJR and there was no qualm about the investment.
FYI when ordering a Russell Seat. I recently asked a questions concerning what a russell would for those of us that are vertically challenged. Here was their response:

I am sorry but our seat has a spring system in it. The spring will raise the seat about 11/2"-2". We can not make any seat lower.

If your vertically challenged, this is not the way to go.

Also something to consider is the Russell is harder to hang off the seat for the twistys. :rolleyes:

Very happy with my Rick Mayer and it does make it easier to put down a foot for us shorter than JB. As said before all good seats.

FYI when ordering a Russell Seat. I recently asked a questions concerning what a russell would for those of us that are vertically challenged. Here was their response:
I am sorry but our seat has a spring system in it. The spring will raise the seat about 11/2"-2". We can not make any seat lower.

If your vertically challenged, this is not the way to go.

I'll repeat until the world learns. For those type people, it's not about adjusting the world to them. Much better this. One time fix and no worries about a fix for the bike, one for the car, a step stool to reach the bumper dumper{tm}, etc.

I'll repeat until the world learns. For those type people, it's not about adjusting the world to them. Much better this. One time fix and no worries about a fix for the bike
'Struth..., if you wait 'till your knee(s) go to hell -- get the doc/tech to cut-off considerably less with the sawzall. Then, when they bolt/screw in the stainless/titanium/hyfax replacement it will, in effect, lengthen your femur and tibia.

Hey..., it happened to me... :huh: :dribble:

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Had 2 Russells. The first took a long time to commit to (and spent more than it's cost trying options to avoid buying one). The second was the first mod to my FJR and there was no qualm about the investment.
Take Bounce's advice. I solved the long lead time with summer coming up by buying Genady's Russell in the For Sale section. It was made for someone about my weight, but there was a risk that it wouldn't be "right" for me none the less. I just got in this afternoon from a 1,200 mile, five day test run in the Texas Hill Country and can report that it exceeded my expectations. My tail is no longer the limiting factor in how long I'm cofortable when I ride. Period.

Yes, it has a higher seat height than my stock unadjustable '05 seat, but I could move forward a little and be comfortable that I could still easily flat foot it at stops. I'm 6'3" with a 34" inseam. Sliding forward also allowed me to move around and hang off a bit in the twisties enough that it didn't feel like a tractor seat.

Problem solved. Makes a HUGE difference in comfort at the end of a 350-450 mile day. With the stock seat I could go maybe 150 miles but then had to get off and flex my sore knees and walk around. The next stop would be after 100 miles, then get the picture. Russell solves that problem for me completely.

Thanks Genady!

Had 2 Russells. The first took a long time to commit to (and spent more than it's cost trying options to avoid buying one). The second was the first mod to my FJR and there was no qualm about the investment.
Take Bounce's advice. I solved the long lead time with summer coming up by buying Genady's Russell in the For Sale section. It was made for someone about my weight, but there was a risk that it wouldn't be "right" for me none the less. I just got in this afternoon from a 1,200 mile, five day test run in the Texas Hill Country and can report that it exceeded my expectations. My tail is no longer the limiting factor in how long I'm cofortable when I ride. Period.

Yes, it has a higher seat height than my stock unadjustable '05 seat, but I could move forward a little and be comfortable that I could still easily flat foot it at stops. I'm 6'3" with a 34" inseam. Sliding forward also allowed me to move around and hang off a bit in the twisties enough that it didn't feel like a tractor seat.

Problem solved. Makes a HUGE difference in comfort at the end of a 350-450 mile day. With the stock seat I could go maybe 150 miles but then had to get off and flex my sore knees and walk around. The next stop would be after 100 miles, then get the picture. Russell solves that problem for me completely.

Thanks Genady!
Great! I am happy it worked so well for you.

I will actually have to postpone my Russel purchase to better times, need money for other expenses. But it is certainly in the plan.

I'm thinking real hard on a Russell seat, but the lead time is a little bothersome. Just ordered a Rifle windshield, so now all I need is a good seat and that cross-country trip will become reality. I can handle the stock seat for a 3 or 4 day trip, but much more than that and the trip becomes no fun. I can see where the Russell might look a little out of place on an FJR, but you can't see it while being sat on and looks is not the reason to spend that much on a seat.
Dan you should book yourself a ride at Russell while we are at WFO, kill 2 birds with one stone.....


I'm thinking real hard on a Russell seat, but the lead time is a little bothersome. Just ordered a Rifle windshield, so now all I need is a good seat and that cross-country trip will become reality. I can handle the stock seat for a 3 or 4 day trip, but much more than that and the trip becomes no fun. I can see where the Russell might look a little out of place on an FJR, but you can't see it while being sat on and looks is not the reason to spend that much on a seat.
Dan you should book yourself a ride at Russell while we are at WFO, kill 2 birds with one stone.....

What seat are you running Richard? I am actually ordering my Russell tomorrow after I get someone to take a couple pictures [of me] sitting on my bike. If I have it in time for SW-FOG I'll be content. It seems I've been buying all kinds of shit lately. I even joined the AZBeemers yesterday, so I might have to go out and buy a Beemer next.

Hell, the next thing I'll be doing will be hanging out with BeemerDon at the Heart Attack Grill reminiscing about Johnny80's and his fateful wheelchair ride and Adam trying to outrun the speed cameras chasing duke back to Kingman! That burger could have supplied enough diesel to run a school bus.

Just got my Russell a few weeks ago. The stock seat just burned my butt. I could ride for about 3 hours and then no more than an hour and half after that before it just got very painful :dribble: . Have a Corbin also and samething with it. I love the Russell :yahoo: so far. Got it in leather, figured in for a penny, might as well break the bank! If it is half as comfortable as 95% of owners have said it will, it will be worth every, single cent!!!! Haven't gotten to ride more than 60 miles at a time on it. Takes some getting used to. I have to slide forward when I stop and can't flat foot it now, did with the others.



What seat are you running Richard? I am actually ordering my Russell tomorrow after I get someone to take a couple pictures [of me] sitting on my bike. If I have it in time for SW-FOG I'll be content. It seems I've been buying all kinds of shit lately. I even joined the AZBeemers yesterday, so I might have to go out and buy a Beemer next.
I ordered mine last week with a production date of June 16. I should receive it back in the UK at the beginning of July so you should be ok for Taos.

I will be contacting Rifle shortly about a new screen.

Lots of good info and feedback here..................

What seat are you running Richard? I am actually ordering my Russell tomorrow after I get someone to take a couple pictures [of me] sitting on my bike. If I have it in time for SW-FOG I'll be content. It seems I've been buying all kinds of shit lately. I even joined the AZBeemers yesterday, so I might have to go out and buy a Beemer next.
I ordered mine last week with a production date of June 16. I should receive it back in the UK at the beginning of July so you should be ok for Taos.

I will be contacting Rifle shortly about a new screen.
Good for you Dave. I'll get my order in today. I'm going for all leather also. I had thought about all black on a black FJR, but after seeing Reble9mm's seat, I kind of like the two-tone effect. I'll have to run it past other for opinion. After all, Fairlaner would not steer us wrong...............would he??
