Medal of Honor Petition for Jordan Haerter and Jonathan Yale

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Well-known member
Sep 6, 2007
Reaction score
Pinehurst, NC
Received this today from Forum member Axeman and thought I'd pass it along.

Hi Everyone,

A Congressional Medal of Honor petition has been started for my son, LCpl Jordan Haerter, and Cpl Jonathan Yale who were killed in Ramadi, Iraq on April 22nd of 2008 stopping a murderous suicide bomber. Their action of valor can be viewed in a CBS News video HERE.

Please take a moment to honor Jordan and Jonathan by following the White House link below to sign the petition and by forwarding this email to your contact list.
Thank you in advance for your kind participation.
Christian Haerter
Sag Harbor, NY
Proud Father of Marine LCpl Jordan Christian Haerter....KIA in Ramadi, Iraq 22 April 2008. Recipient of the Navy Cross for Extraordinary Combat Heroism.
CBS News Video

I'm in. I will pass this along to my non-FJR friends. I wondered why the Medal of Honor was not awarded in the first place. I did not know there was a petition process.

Last edited by a moderator: Done Proudly and Announced/Posted to my BMW Club, many Veterans served in AZ Beemers MOA #89. Also placed at the K1600 Forum, I ride with many Marine Veterans there.


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First I want to offer my condolances to you, Jordan's mom and your entire family for the loss of your son. I also extend my condolances to the Yale family. Your grief can know no limits.

I reviewed your email and the CBS News link in light of my 27 years service as an Infantry officer in the United States Army. My service brought me into contact with several Medal of Honor recipients and I was exposed to acts of bravery that, while not recognized with the CMH, were beyond my belief for their selfless sacrifice. You will understand then that I approached your request with a bit of skepticism and the desire to protect the standards of the CMH. I was once told that the standard applied when awarding the medal is, was the action taken by the nominee an action that is expected within the normal standards of duty. In other words, if Jordan and Jonathan had retreated to safety would their actions have been deemed a dereliction of duty. Well, obviously they chose to stay at their post, but in my opinion they would not have been faulted had they sought a more covered position and survived the blast. They took the path of honor and selfless sacrifice and I was proud to add my name to the petition.

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+1 Proud to do it.

How has this not already happened? Is there some length of time that must pass before you can submit the petition?


I tried but I quit on the 7th Challenge question (to create an account).

I'm guessing Canuckistanis aren't eligible to vote

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