Memorial Day Sunday, NorCal May 25th

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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It's a sad day when you have to pull your own finger. :dntknw:

Great ride guys and gals. A special thanks to MadMike for putting the ride together.

It's a sad day when you have to pull your own finger. :dntknw:

Great ride guys and gals. A special thanks to MadMike for putting the ride together.
Great picture of Dr. Rich and Hycle (Pulling his finger???).

I didn't put this together, I just wanted to ride with some friends. Thanks to uberkul for his input on the route change.

'Twas a fun day, huh, boys and girls! :yahoo:

Even though some headed home after filling their tummys and one person thought better of continuing to ride since cords were appearing on their rear tire. Been taking lessons from SkooterG on "How to maximize tire life" as discussed at the Starbucks "Meet & Greet" place?

I really feel I got to know these folks well enough to show you their personal equpment.





















They all told me they missed seeing Wilson on this ride.

Hey all, i posted this in the thread that got double posted and eventually shut down.... It merits re-posting however!! Thanks to all for a great ride and for your hospitality. I had a fantastic time, even with the odd bike out!! Looking forward to doing it again in the near future.

Shiny side up,

-BigDan's little "Princess", a.k.a.

-The Obligatory VStrom, a.k.a.


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Only took a few pics at the start.

You wouldn't know it, but this is a drug deal ;) .


Etiquette says you must extend the pinky.


Pre-ride head count.


Only took a few pics at the start.You wouldn't know it, but this is a drug deal ;) .

B-b-b-b-but you didn't get a shot of the "dealer's" face. :rolleyes:

Etiquette says you must extend the pinky.
If you'll notice, Old Michael has his forefinger extended. Are these the beginning secret-hand-signals of the "finger dancing" that was posted from the San Diego ride?

Pre-ride head count.
"I counted 11, let's go.""Wait a minute. 11? I count 13."

"No way....1, 2, 3, 4, ...oh, yeah, I forgot to count US!"

"Remember, George is going to leave us in Calaveras..."

I had a fantastic time, even with the odd bike out!! Looking forward to doing it again in the near future. -Sarah
Sarah, you didn't have the "odd bike out". You are just riding another bike. We're waaaayyy beyond being FJR specific. I'd invited 2 friends that cancelled after checking the weather Saturday on a Moto Guzzi LeMans, the other on a GSXR 1000.

Its all about the riding and the smiling while we enjoy the great roads we have out here! :yahoo:

Looks like you guys had fun... :)
We ALWAYS have fun....even if we have to modify the original plan.
Then we have fun for days giving each other "what for" about the ride. Its all part of the experience. Too bad you aren't out here to join in.

I had a fantastic time, even with the odd bike out!! Looking forward to doing it again in the near future. -Sarah
Sarah, you didn't have the "odd bike out". You are just riding another bike. We're waaaayyy beyond being FJR specific. I'd invited 2 friends that cancelled after checking the weather Saturday on a Moto Guzzi LeMans, the other on a GSXR 1000.

Its all about the riding and the smiling while we enjoy the great roads we have out here! :yahoo:

:good: Fantastic, i definitely did some smiling!! i'll see you guys again soon!!

I really drooled when I saw your original ride plans and wished I could join. So today I did my variation on the ride, since the roads are open and clear. I took Latrobe Rd. to Plymouth, Fiddletown and Hwy 88, where I only traveled 4 miles to Omo Ranch road so I could ride the North-South road to Emigrant Trail. Then it was up and over Carson Pass and Monitor to find the gas station at Topaz Lake resort ( only $4.25 per gallon). The views were spectacular, the budding aspen in Hope Valley provided a great light-green hue, and the scenery over Monitor was breath-taking. I loved it!!

Back over Monitor, Ebbetts Pass, Pacific Grade Pass and down to Alpine. If anyone is going there soon, there is sand only in the steep corners( you know where they are) and the rest of the road is glorious. I turned around and went over both passes again and returned by way of Luther Pass and Echo Summit (Hwy 50). A spectacular romp, and a must-do while there is snow up there. Mosquito Lake is free of ice, but the lake east of Ebbetts is 10% frozen.

I really drooled when I saw your original ride plans and wished I could join. So today I did my variation on the ride, since the roads are open and clear. I took Latrobe Rd. to Plymouth, Fiddletown and Hwy 88, where I only traveled 4 miles to Omo Ranch road so I could ride the North-South road to Emigrant Trail. Then it was up and over Carson Pass and Monitor to find the gas station at Topaz Lake resort ( only $4.25 per gallon). The views were spectacular, the budding aspen in Hope Valley provided a great light-green hue, and the scenery over Monitor was breath-taking. I loved it!!
Back over Monitor, Ebbetts Pass, Pacific Grade Pass and down to Alpine. If anyone is going there soon, there is sand only in the steep corners( you know where they are) and the rest of the road is glorious. I turned around and went over both passes again and returned by way of Luther Pass and Echo Summit (Hwy 50). A spectacular romp, and a must-do while there is snow up there. Mosquito Lake is free of ice, but the lake east of Ebbetts is 10% frozen.
Way to go brother! Sounds like a hell of a day.

The Emigrant trail is open!

That tears it! I'm going SOMEWHERE up there on Sunday!

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Sounds and looks like everyone had a great time. I was hoping to go along on this ride, but work had to be done. We couldn't get away until afternoon on Sunday, so we did our own ride. Left the house at 2:00 and headed to the coast. Headed west on 20, to 101, to 253, to 128, to 1 and then up 1 to Fort Bragg (200 miles). Stayed the night and then headed north on 1 to 101, 101 north (but did all the old redwood highway instead of the freeway) to 299, to 5, to 99 and home (400 miles). Nice little trip and some great roads. Maybe we can make the next ride!

John and Jan
