Active member
You wont believe what happened...That's what I'm betting on!Now, it hasn't happened in the last 700 miles since I got this new shoes.
Real test coming up this weekend.Please have fire department and ambulance ready to go. :devil: Just kidding, lets hope that they are not needed andin fact new PR2 are the next best thing since the sliced bread. Stay tune.
Since I finally got a full night sleep I decide to take a bike in to work today at whooping 34 degree. Tire pressure check, gear check. We have a parking lot at work that had been coated to a point that it is almost glass smooth. Should be n brainier to lock up a tire, right? Well here is what happened...
Speed up to about 20 and push hard on the rear brake and nothing, bike just stops. Speed up again and now I put more weight and it still wont slide. I am getting worried here. So, I do another run and now I slam on the rear brake and sure enough ABS starts pulsating on the rear brake pedal.
Drum roll please :assassin: here comes a front brake test. Again speed up to 20 and zilch. Speed up to 20 again, at this time my heart is doing double time you got to be nuts to lock up the front on purpose, and sure enough ...... it is pulsating :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:
What, you thought that I have crashed?silly you.
I am telling you this PR2 is amazing how much grip they provide. I had to strugle to lock up both brakes where is before it was almost daily. Money well spent.
Let us know what kind of tread life you get with those tar babies.