Mike & Dar head Down East

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Well-known member
Apr 3, 2006
Reaction score
Kitchener, ON
Ok all you Easterners, here we come! Break out the scallops and lobsters and open up a bottle of Screech. Going out thru NY,VT,NH and Maine. Then up to the Cabot, back thru NS and probably take the Cat back to Bar Habor. Leave this Sat, Cape Breton by the wknd and home by the next wknd. If we're in your neighbourhood and you want to ride with us or know of a road not to miss, just pm me.

Mike & Dar

Your plan is a good one - until you get to the Cat to Bar Harbor

There is no Cat to Bar Harbor

If you're crossing at Houlton, you'll be passing through Freddy Beach. If you come up the 'airline', you'll cross at Calais - St Stephen and I'll miss you. From St Stephen, you'd go to Saint John and there's still a ferry between SJ and Digby NS. I'm taking it from Digby on Monday :)

Have a fun and safe trip!

PM sent with contact info

Can you be a little more specific with your travel agenda? :rolleyes:

I could be more specific but then it would take the fun out of the trip. I prefer to fly by the seat of my pants. So many variables, like how hard I can push Dar until she kicks me in the balls and says we're stopping for the day. :rolleyes:

Good on ya!

That's the way I prefer to do my vacation trips too. I have a loose agenda and then see what happens on the road.

Planning is seriously overrated.

Have fun!! (and keep us posted on progress so maybe folks can do a drive by!)

PS - MEM already clued you in that there are no more Bah habah to NS ferries running. You'll have to do the (boring) drive around.

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Ya'll sure do talk funny!

I thought you really meant DOWN when you said down. You really meant up yonder, not down hyar.

Drop me an e-mail when you hit Nova Scotia. We'll try and meet up. Have a safe trip.

(Take a couple of pictures of that ball kicking game that you and Dar play)

Canadian FJR

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Durn! I rode the Cat last time out east and it was fun and cut a bunch of time off our return trip. Oh well that just means more time in the saddle. That's a good thing right?

Hi Y'all,

Well we're in Conway NH. Just downed my fourth Leinenkugel and finally have minute to update. We had a late start on Saturday (1pm) because my super durable camera that I've had for 7 years finally gave up, and I had to go to the "impulse buying store" and buy a new one. Plus it was raining.

I bought a new video camera, Tachyon micro (thanks FJR Guy) and I'm still learning how to use it. We slabbed from home for 5 hours on the worst highway known to man. Can any of you Canucks guess which one? Anyway I thought I had turned it off but apparently I hadn't so now I have 5 hours of boring slab and 2 dead batteries. We stopped in Massena for the night and got an early start the next day. Had some awesome riding today except for the Kancamagus which was full of minivans and putt putt Harleys.

We had a bit of excitement when Dars clutch cable came detatched. I thought it was broken and we were in the middle of nowhere but I fixed it and we were back on the road. Tomorrow will be Mt Washington and Hurricane road, then on to Maine.

Our motel has a pool so I went for a swim. The weather has been perfect. And as always the FJR has performed flawlessly.

I will try to upload some pics and video, but no guarantees cause I'm starting to get drunk.

Talk again soon

Sounds awesome. Except the Leinenkugel :blink: WTF!!

You're in Conway New Hampshire, not Wisconsin. Get some good beer fer chrissakes.

Sounds awesome. Except the Leinenkugel :blink: WTF!!
You're in Conway New Hampshire, not Wisconsin. Get some good beer fer chrissakes.
Hey Fred, Last time I was in Wisconsin My Bro-in-law went on and on about how it was the best beer he'd ever had, so I bought some so I could take pics of it and send back home to him. Not my fav either. But it still makes me drunk. #5 now.

ok so I'm really drunk now so if this gets f"d up its not my fault

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I don't know how you do it Bikergeek, this is alot of work
