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OK, kiddies.

The Geeks are bright-eyed and bushy-tailed.

Well, we're up and about, anyway.

Whattaya say we insert some 'ride' into this ride report, mm-kay?

If ya see us on the road, feel free to say hey or give us the 'salute.'

Since I woke up, I've had the music from the movie "Smokey And The Bandit" going through my head. (Don't ask - I don't know why my mind does what it does, either.)

So, as they'd say in that movie, "This here's the Geek. We're west bound and down."

Over & out.

Day 1: July 10,2010

“They're thirst in Atlanta, and there's beer in Tex-Arcana...”

Ya know, if it weren't for the pre-ride jitters, I just may actually get a decent night's sleep before leaving on a ride. Maybe. Someday. Today wasn't that day.

Sooze and I were up around 6:00-ish and got ready. We loaded up the rest of our crap on the Ultra and were ready to roll.

Minutes before departure:



We rolled out at 7:00 on the nose. The morning started out crisp and clear. The sun was out and it was almost chilly, but not quite – somewhere in the low 60's. Perfect!


As we headed west out of Columbus on I-70, though, things changed...

FOG! We were in and out of this crap for a little while. It went from just being annoying to holy-crap-I-can't-see-a-damn-think thick!


After a while, it either burned off or we just came out of it. We were thanked for visiting the state that's round on the ends and hi in the middle.


And our neighbors to the west gave us a welcome. That's state number 2 for the day.


Sooze said something tonight that I think is fitting to describe today: “You know it's a long day when the most exciting thing to happen is Indianapolis.” We looked for Payton but didn't see him. I guess he doesn't read ride reports.


While going through Indy, the exit we needed to get to I-74 north was closed, so there was a detour. That was all fine and dandy until they got lazy with their signage so I missed the entrance to I-74 north, so we did a quick jaunt on 74 south and turned around. Luckily it was just a short distance to an exit where we could turn around, but 74 is all torn to crap.

Yep, that was the most excitement for the day.

Although, you must admit, you can see some interesting things at gas stations off the interstate.


At a gas, pee and rehydrate stop, these guys rolled in. They looked like a Christian biker group. We got a chuckle – there's the herd of Harleys and one guy on a C14!


Now, we don't have a ton if pics from today because, well, as Sooze said, we've been in 4 states today and the scenery never changed.

State number 3 for the day.


This represents most of what we saw today.


I'm a geek. I think seeing these is pretty cool.


At the Southern FJR Owners Rally last year, one night (after quite a few … ahem … oat sodas) several of us had an in-depth discussion about these windmills. The only detail I really remember from that chat was that even though it looks like the blades are moving slowly, the speed out at the tips of the blades is approaching super-sonic. Cool!


One thing I didn't plan on was paying a damn toll. Oh, well. It was only a dollar.


Due to traffic, we weren't in position to get a shot of the Welcome To Wisconsin sign, I think this kinda sums it up.


We did ride by a nice body of water, though.


I had the GPS lead us to our hotel and, surprise of surprises, it took us right to it. The GPS has had a nasty habit lately of saying something is on the left side of the road when it's actually on the right, or vice-versa..

So after checking in, unloading the bike and getting out of our riding gear, we found a place to eat within walking distance of the hotel.

As we all know, NO ride report is worthwhile without food porn. Since I don't want to disappoint, here you go.

Sooze had rigatoni chicken broccoli, but Sooze substitued whole-wheat penne for the rigatoni.


And I had their artichoke ravioli along with a couple of pints of a summer beer from a local brewery.


And that's it for today. Boring, I know. It was all Sooze could do to stay awake back there at times today.

Travel time: 10 hours, 20 minutes.

Miles ridden today: 570.

Tomorrow's destination: Bemidji, Minnesota.

Looks nice an dry.. :thumbsup:

You don't realize how big those windmills are, until you see a couple a blades on a truck....


(I hope that Harley shirt was free....)


Ride on!

I totally missed, could have offered lunch in Bloomington/Normal, IL. Know of a couple places the food porn is just obscene delicious :lol:

Looks nice an dry.. :thumbsup:
We had some wicked-looking clouds to our west as we were coming north, but the only rain we had was a 3-minute sprinkle maybe 10 minutes from the hotel. Considering it was 86 degrees when we got here, it felt goooood!

BTW... (I hope that Harley shirt was free....)
It was as free as any of my FJR shirts! IOW, no such thing. :blink:

I totally missed, could have offered lunch in Bloomington/Normal, IL. Know of a couple places the food porn is just obscene delicious :lol:
Maybe next time! Today was really more about making miles.

We were talking over dinner that it'd be nice to take a long weekend and head to Door County. Dunno when we'll fit THAT one in, but this trip started the same way: "You know, it'd be nice to go to...."

Looks nice an dry.. :thumbsup:
We had some wicked-looking clouds to our west as we were coming north, but the only rain we had was a 3-minute sprinkle maybe 10 minutes from the hotel. Considering it was 86 degrees when we got here, it felt goooood!

BTW... (I hope that Harley shirt was free....)
It was as free as any of my FJR shirts! IOW, no such thing. :blink:

Ya took yer heated gear I hope....


I shore do enjoy y'alls ability ta put pichers up and write about yer excursions btw... :thumbsup:

This is great BG!

Last year, I rode out to CFR in BC and back (actually made it to Tofino) in 22 days. NO plan. We made it up as we went. But it was June so accommodations were not a problem.

I'll do it again. Maybe next year. I didn't get to do the PNW and the PCH ....

Cheers! and stay safe


Day 2: July 11, 2010.

The theme for the day: “The Good, The Bad, And They Ugly. Or, A Ride Becomes An Adventure When You're Not Sure If You'll Make It Home.”

Yep. It's an adventure. More on that to come.

Neither Sooze nor I handle time changes well. Granted, we're only 1 time zone off but it's enough. We were up at the ass-crack of dawn for no real reason other than we're on a road trip, not sleeping in our own bed, and we're an hour off internally.

Last night when I was out having a smoke, I noticed a group of bikes in the lot and got to chit-chatting with a couple of 'em.

This one in particular caught my attention – it's an '81 'Wing. I asked the owner how many miles it had on it and he said 51,000, but the previous owner had died (while not on the bike) so it may have 151,000. He's not sure. I think it's cool – reminded me of Sly's OldWing.


It was a beautiful morning, though. Temp's in the low 60's, clear skies, and we were off the slab for at least a little while.


All the farms had nice, green crops in their fields.


Early-morning water crossing. Via bridge.


We rode through some smaller towns.


Saw some interesting, uh, 'sculpture.' Don't ask me what it is. I got nothin' here.


Rt. 12 out of Madison was light on traffic (my guess I because it was early Sunday morning) and a nice, pleasant ride.


Saw this cool-looking rock formation.


Eventually we were back on the slab, though, but not for as long as yesterday.

As always, nice RR, Pics and food Porn! Looks like ya may be rolling through my neck o the woods. If ya need anything in Redding, let me know.

Enjoy the trip, looking forward to your updates,


That was the good.

Now for the bad.

At a gas / snack / drink / pee / re-load-to-pee-again stop, I was looking at the sky and checking the radar on my iPhone. Yep. Figured it was gonna happen.


For a good part of the morning (and afternoon, for that matter) we were in and out of rain, usually with thick, heavy clouds.


Nothing like a gas station turned in to a winery, eh?


Bah. Rain, schmain. We've ridding in plenty of rain. We're used to it and we have proper gear to get us through it.

Still don't make it fun.

We made our way towards Duluth, which means water, marinas and boats.


Including the Fairlawn Mansion.


BIIIIG boats!


Please be aware, cage driver who's shaving while reading paper drinking a latte on a conference call helping the kids finish their homework person.



Above and to the left of the hood of the Miata it ways, “Minnesota Welcomes You.” WOO-HOO! State #5 for the trip!!


Duluth is the home to a certain company. I happen to wear, as my primary riding gear, their armored, water-proof leather suit. We found their HQ. I woulda liked to have stopped by during business hours, but oh, well. Hi, guys!


We continued on, in and out of rain for a coupla hours. Eventually, the skies cleared up and it was very pleasant riding.

As always, nice RR, Pics and food Porn! Looks like ya may be rolling through my neck o the woods. If ya need anything in Redding, let me know.
Enjoy the trip, looking forward to your updates,

Thanks, Greg.

Yes, there's a very good chance we'll be rolling through your neck of the woods. I'll keep ya mind here in a couple of weeks.

I'm looking forward to reading the rest of your report. I rode a bit shorter, but similar route a couple years ago to-from NAFO. You are in for a lot of treats. It was also my first longer trip and I over-packed, over-planned and ended up having the most fun when I threw out the itinerary and looked at the map the night before the next day's ride and more or less winged it.

I tried the ongoing ride report method in April on a ride to Vegas and back. In many ways I enjoyed it more as the memories were fresh -- I'm not sure it was the most organized for the readers, but it was fun. The ride will get more interesting as you get to the west.

I'll check in when on your report, and when you are close to Southern Oregon, if I can help in some way let em know.

I'll check in when on your report, and when you are close to Southern Oregon, if I can help in some way let em know.
Thanks, Shiny! We know where we'll be Wednesday and Thursday nights (for reasons to be revealed at that time), but after that, we'll see!


And, now for the ugly.

The ugly being my mood and my outlook.

Since I got the Ultra, at about the 700-mile mark, it started doing this weird thing. From time to time, it wouldn't start. Goes like this: turn on the ignition, fuel pump does it's thing, little light on the dash goes out which is the okey-dokey-to-start signal, hit the starter button and CLICK!


Took 'er in twice to get this looked at. First time, it actually did it in front of the service writer-upper-guy! (That NEVER happens!) The diagnosis was a loose starter cable. They tightened it. All was fine for a while. Then it started up again.


Took it in last weekend. Diagnosis: a terminal had broken off inside the starter cable. Woulda taken 2 weeks to get a new cable from HD, so they soldered on a new terminal. “Mr. Geek, you won't have that problem any more.”

So, any of you betting fools gonna bet against me?

Sure as the Pope is Catholic, that bike pulled that same crap again today.

According to Sooze, the look on my face was something along the lines of, “I'd like to rip off someone's head and shit down their neck.”

I was pissed. I mean really pissed. I've been really struggling to get my head into the ride and take in the experience rather than worrying about this or that... And then this happens.

That was while it was raining. Kinda fitting, I guess.

So for a good chunk of today's ride, I was going over and over and over and over this crap in my head.

“Dang! That'd a great spot to pull over for a photo op! Ah, forget it. Damn bike prolly won't start. Don't think I want to get stranded there. Don't even know where 'there' is.”


Not the way I want to experience a ride, so I did my best to self-medicate and get head outta my ass. Tried the Serenity Prayer approach... Almost, but not quite, although it did help.

Then I thought of a line I heard a while back: “a ride becomes an adventure when you're not sure if you'll make it back.”

Made me laugh out loud. I guess it's an on-road adventure now.

So the ride continued, going through, of all places, Judy Garland's home town!


For some reason, there is a really big Adirondack chair in Minnesota.


The scenery picked up a wee bit...


Coming into Bemidji, there's a paper mill or wood mill with lots of....



Wood, of course!


