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USMC 92-95

infantry mortarman, (huh, what'd ya say, I can't hear shit now)

2nd batallion, 2nd marines,

Camp Lejuene, Nc

29 stumps, Ca

Camp Schwab, Okinawa


Served 80-84. I did time with HMH362 and HMH-461 working on CH-53D's (Shitters) at New River Air Station, NC.

Spent a little over a year on board the USS Inchon and the USS Saipan.






(1982 - 1994)

On duty at the following:

BSQN RAAF Laverton (Victoria) 82 - 86

RAAF Frognall 86

HQSCU Melbourne 87

Defence Force Recruiting - Hobart 87 - 88

RAAFSU Tasmania 88 - 89

BASC RAAF Williamtown (Home of the Hornet - Fighter town) 89 - 91

BASC RAAF Pearce 91 - 94

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Active Army, CHD Instructor / Writer @ USAALS, Ft Eustis, VA. New to the Forum and first time owner of an '08 FJR.

f#@*ing Great!

I would personaly like to thank all of you for your part in serving this country for my family and myself FREEDOM


Terry Beeler

First 18yrs of breathin' spent as a carreer USAF family "Brat", easier to name the places I've lived in the country than those I haven't.

Then 1966-70 USAF myself, Lackland AFB TX, Lowry AFB CO, FE Warren AFB WY, Flugplatz Hahn Germany [496th TFS].

US Army - medic '89-'97. 10th Special Forces Group, Ft devens, MA

"It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled, or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena; whose face is marred by the dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions and spends himself in a worthy course; who at the best, knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who, at worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly; so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory or defeat."

Theodore Roosevelt



Battery Operated Grunt (Comm)

Alpha Company 3rd Reconnaissance Bn

Kaneohoe Hawaii.

To all those that came before I hoped I measured up.

To all those that came after keep making us proud.

Thank you to all that served this great nation of ours.

Your sacrifice has not gone un-noticed.

USAF, '67 to '71. Nuclear Weapons Specialist, the only job I know of they didn't send to SEA, for which I've always been grateful. Cigli AB, Turkey (now closed), Mather AFB, Sacramento (now closed). Was it something I said? Wish we had a cool sign-off like the Marines. How about "Wheeeeeeee."

USMC, 1996-2006..

I'm just a knuckle-dragging 0311 door-kicker. B)

3d Bn / 4th MAR out of 29Palms.

1st Bn / 23d MAR (Reserve) out of Houston.

Semper Fi.

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Did 7 years in the Army E-6 71L/63B

307th Signal Battalion (Camp Carroll, Korea) 3 tours

HQ MEPCOM (Great Lakes Naval Training Base, IL )

Lifetime VFW member and big supporter of anything Military

Ready to ride with anyone in my AO; I come from the Great State of Michigan and that is where I spend most of my time riding when I can.

