Military support orgainizations

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Well-known member
Jun 23, 2005
Reaction score
NE Missouri
I've decided to cut back on some of my planned m/c tours this year, and instead donate some of the money I would spend to an organization dedicated to supporting injured military personnel and their families.

I'd like to think our government takes good care of these folks, but such resources have to be strained now. I was only a military brat up until the early 70's, but I got a look from the other side. Sooooo, if you have any suggestions on an organization that I can donate a small amount to (I'm not looking for tax write-offs here as I don't make enough to use such), that makes sure the dollars are used for the GI and not overhead & fund raising (i.e.: salaries), and need every little bit they can get for specific needs, please send me a PM with said information.

I could do my own Google, but I am looking for a reply from someone with first hand experience and recommendations. It's no big deal, so no need to tie up space on the forum, and no need to reply after Dec. 18th. Thanks for any help.


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Just my personnel feeling, but I drove for the Bob Hope Christmas Show in 67, Which the USO helped organize, Many worth while organizions out there shouldn't have to look to hard.

There's an organization called Let's Bring 'Em Home. Let's Bring 'Em Home

It's a non-profit that takes donations (cash or frequent-flier miles) to help those in the service get home to their families for the holidays.


I'm not affiliated with them but have supported them in the past.]


This group is based on Long Island and effectively aids military personnel (veterans and actively deployed) directly with immediate assistance cutting out the red tape.

or you could always make a donation to Jordan's Fund

PM me for a mailing address if you are interested as we don't have the pay link set up yet.

I contribute to the Injured Marine Semper Fi Fund. They provide funds to help families and Marines (and Sailors and Soldiers injured while serving with Marines) with costs associated with their injuries, travel, hotel costs, etc. A very worthwhile and well-run organization. Of course as a retired Marine this is close to my heart, but again, a great organization to contribute to.

I could do my own Google, but I am looking for a reply from someone with first hand experience and recommendations. It's no big deal, so no need to tie up space on the forum, and no need to reply after Dec. 18th. Thanks for any help. B)
Jus wunderin if ya decided... :unknw:

I'm hopin ya checked out the one I suggested....
