Minor Milestone

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Sep 7, 2008
Reaction score
Visalia, California

Haven't been on in a while, been busy finishing up with school.

Not long ago I turned 10,000 miles on the Feej. I've had the bike a little over 15 months, and while I know 10K in that amount of time is probably nothing for you hard-core riders, I got my miles while working full-time AND going to school full-time to get my RN license, and none of that mileage was commuter. I just love riding my Feej-the more the better! Anyway, just wanted to share my minor milestone! Thanks!

By the way, the pic was taken in August, that's how far behind I am in staying up with the forums!


Haven't been on in a while, been busy finishing up with school.

Not long ago I turned 10,000 miles on the Feej. I've had the bike a little over 15 months, and while I know 10K in that amount of time is probably nothing for you hard-core riders, I got my miles while working full-time AND going to school full-time to get my RN license, and none of that mileage was commuter. I just love riding my Feej-the more the better! Anyway, just wanted to share my minor milestone! Thanks!

By the way, the pic was taken in August, that's how far behind I am in staying up with the forums!
Congrats on both milestones -- 10K and your RN


These "minor milestones" are nevertheless significant and represent life's mile markers. At 54 years of age (wife is 58) we just set our all-time season record: 10,600 (6-7 month season here). Life just keeps getting better.

Congrats on your career and recreation achievements.

Congrats from a native Visalian! My first year mileage was just a tad over 10K (living in AZ at the time, I had no excuse not to ride), but the mileage tally since then has been slower. It's not how many miles you roll on, it's the grin factor when you roll on (the throttle) which is why we ride. :D

90 degress?!?!? Holy carp!!!

Oh - that's from August.



Enjoy your next 10,000 and good luck with school! :clapping:

Thanks all. School is done and state boards are passed, now all that's left is to dig out all the maps I've set aside and start planning my days off rides! Hmmmmm . . . . think I'll start today with a lunch ride to Morro Bay. Can't get enough of the FJR!!!!!!
