Missing Speigler Parts - ABS

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Not All Who Wander Are Lost
Jun 13, 2005
Reaction score
Tarzana, CA USA
I was one of the last people to take delivery from Gary at University because of the shortage of rotors. I then delayed installation until after WFO4 and then further pushed back the install until my mechanic could schedule this "elective" work. As a result the lines were to go in today 30 August. Shortly after dropping the bike at Kolbe Yamaha here in Woodland Hills CA (yep, wehre it was 106 F yesterday) service manager Lee Moss called to tell me that neither the stock nor the new/anodized banjo bolts' pitch matches the pitch tapped into the new Spiegler manifold (mounts on forks, line splits into two). I called University (Gary was not in) and was given the phone number for Matias at Spiegler. He told me that all the line sets came with the correct banjo bolts for the manifold, including the longer bolt needed to "stack" the two fittings on the starboard side. Having unpacked and examined all the hardware myself on the day I received it, I can attest that my parts package did not have those bolts. Of course, had I realized that a longer bolt and bolts with nonstock thread pitch were required at the manifold then I would have taken action prior to the day of installation. As it is, the missing parts are being "overnighted" at a cost to me of $30 USD for shipping. Matias would have shipped the parts ground, gratis but with the bike already torn down I elected to get the parts more quickly. Okay, so after all this verbage, the question is: Did anyone else fail to recived the missing banjo bolts for the "manifold?

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Sorry to hear of the 'oops', Joseph. Others have on mentioned short shipment of the bolts. This is the first I've seen of incorrect pitch... Was going to install mine this weekend while I get some new hoops put on. Better go check mine tonight!

Edit: That 30 buck hit wouldn't make me happy, happy. Follow up with Gary on that one...

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I was just missing a couple of the "standard length" bolts, it wasn't any big deal for me, to be honest, I'll get them replaced at some point. Are you saying that you didn't get any (you should have only got one) double-lenght bolt?

I've never heard of any thread pitch problem, if you're talking about the banjo (not bolt) "pitch", you can turn the bandjo's with the blue thingy's and the white stick thingy.

Woodstcok, apparently the thread pitch on the bolts does not match the female threads on the manifold. My understanding is that, irrespective of the "pretty" anodized bolts for the calipers and reservoirs, for ABS sets banjo bolts for use at the new manifold should have been supplied (but in my cas were not included). One of these would have been longer than the others to accomodate the stacking of two lines on the right side and all the "manifold bolts" would have a different thread pitch than the other banj bolts. The turn-the-fitting-slightly-to-align-properly adjustment is a separate issue.

I had the service manager on the phone directly with Spiegler at one point so I am pretty sure the the problem is "real" and not just an error due to being pretty near the beginning of the learning curve.

I will talk to Gary about this though I have been led to believe that Spiegler, not University, packed the individual line kits (lines, banjo bolts, washers, etc.). If this is not correct then maybe University will "own" the error. Spigler has taken reponsibility except for the timing issue. If I had wanted to wait for a UPS ground shipment then my marginal cost would have been only my time and the telephone calls.

I will talk to Gary about this though I have been led to believe that Spiegler, not University, packed the individual line kits (lines, banjo bolts, washers, etc.).
Yeah, but University took your green. I'm not dissing on Gary or University, I think they are great, but you shouldn't be penalizied for this error.

Check my ABS install thread. I got the double and single for the manifold, and 2 bolts for the front calipers, but didn't get ones for the resevoir, rear caliper, or the 2 for the clutch lines. Gary ordered them from Spiegler, and I've put off the operation till they get here. I can confirm that the long and short bolts in the first photo below both have different pitch threads than the other "middle" length bolts in the second photo. I can also confirm that the long and short bolts are the ones that will screw into the manifold.



My dealings w/ Gary and w/ Matias have been nothing short of wonderful. I'm certain that if you can explain the problem to one of them you'll be well cared for.

Just my experience...

This is the kit I ordered for my 04 ABS from the Group Buy. I haven't opened the package until just now (shame on me) so have no idea what should be in there.

Aside from the mis-matched color on the fittings (I ordered clear line, titanium fittings, and black banjo bolts), is everything there?

Joseph, I may use your mechanic to do this job as I'm one hell of a guitarist, but suck with the wrench.


p.s. On the bleeders, which one is the rear?





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I believe you got the clutch replacement line too, correct (I counted 9 lines)? In that case, you should have 3 more banjo bolts (total of 8). You've got the double and single for the manifold (in the group pictured with it), and 3 more banjos. You could use those for the 2 front and 1 rear brake calipers, but then you'd be missing one for the brake resevoir on the handlebars, as well as the clutch resevoir and the lower clutch attachment point.

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Thanks everyone, the photos help a lot. Those two banjo bolts seen by the manifold were not in my package! I will call Gary this morning. FNG, thanks for the offer but the parts are already on their way (I hope). I will let you know how the install goes - first ABS FJR line replacement for the shop. I generally dislike dealer shops but I have had good luck with Kolbe and the manager there has been okay with me bringing in parts for them to install. While I like to think that I am a fairly competent "wrench", I did not want my first ever brake job to be this job.

I got the 9 line abs set up. I was under the impression they did not supply banjo bolts for the clutch & brake resevoir, (thought they wanted us to use stock & cover it up with the rubber boots) and the lower clutch attachment point. (this needs a new looking banjo bolt, eveybody's sees this) I installed what they sent, skipped the rear & resevoirs. Called & ordered 3 more. Will install the rest next week.

Well, I talked with Gary this morning. A couple of hours later I got the following message from him via e-mail:

[SIZE=14pt]Hi Joseph, I called spiegler as promissed, and told them to credit your card and ding me. After reading, if you would like you can tell the guy's, I'm here to take care of everyone of these guy's 100 % untill they are all done installing these lines, I also want their future bussiness, not just a 1 time deal and hide, thats not me, I'm here to help with all their ?'s and problems, not just taking their green as the 1 guy said, sometimes I'm not sure how to take what these guy's say, and if they lost my toll free # 866-551-6478, thanks again for the heads up.[/SIZE]

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

RIGHT FRIGGIN ON! Customer service lives!


Oh, and Gary? As I said, I wasn't dissing you cuz obviously you weren't there to handle this issue when it occured. I was more making a point that Joseph shouldn't pay for the fix, tis all. As I said, I think you guys are great, but perhaps I should have added that I knew you guys would step-up. My bad.

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Tim -

Here is part of what I wrote in reply to Gary's email:

When (TWN) says that he thinks University is great then that is what he means. My guess is that his point was that since the $ went to University then that's where problems should be addressed - Funny thing is that that is your attitude, too! Gotta love it.

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Ok, so after reading all this, how many colored bolts were we supposed to get? Like F.N.G., I only got the same number of bolts he did. I ordered an ABS kit with the clutch line.



Rick, it has been so long that I do not remember the default total number of new bolts. Some ordered addtional new bolts, some figured they would reuse the stock bolts. But, you should have received two new bolts for the manifold. The threads are different from the others and if you have two bolts, one longer than the other, that thread into the manifold then at least that will not cause you any grief. In addtion to those two (in my case missing) bolts you may have new, pretty, colored, anodized bolts for your brake reservoir, clutch reservoir, front rotors and rear rotor.

I got the ABS kit, and the clutch line replacement. Gary is sending me 4 more bolts to make my total 8. No extra cost, although I'm buying my Avons from him as a gesture of gratitude (and his price matched the best I could find).

FWIW, the missing bolts arrived at 10:00h this morning at the Yamaha dealer just as promised. A big "thank you" to Gary and Matias as well as to all here who helped out on this problem.
