Mission Impossible SS1K

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Well-known member
Jun 15, 2005
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Sonora, CA
Mission Impossible SS1K

This route with a total distance of 1030 or so miles, will start at our home and catch all 21 CA Mission's along the way. I added a little extra at the end, to get us over the 1K hump. We are looking to do this ride 2up sometime before the end of March.


I think you named that SS1K right. Man that is a lot of Ca. cagers to deal with. Perhaps a long talk with the traffic jam gods would be in order first. Good luck and happy lane splitting! :lol:

I think you named that SS1K right. Man that is a lot of Ca. cagers to deal with. Perhaps a long talk with the traffic jam gods would be in order first. Good luck and happy lane splitting! :lol:
This ride will take place on Saturday to minimise commuters.

For me, I'm not really into picking 2 points on a map, with a freeway between them, just to get the IBA cert. There's nothing wrong with this strategy, it's just not my cup of tea. City traffic and multiple stops along the way, add to the challenge and keeps the mind active for 24 hrs.

Bah! After seeing you and your wife in the Cal24 last year, I think you'll have no problem doing this. Although I do have to wonder how many of these missions are going to be open during the night portion of your ride.

Bah!  After seeing you and your wife in the Cal24 last year, I think you'll have no problem doing this.  Although I do have to wonder how many of these missions are going to be open during the night portion of your ride.
I think they close at 4.00pm. For posterity, we'll just take digital picci's nearby.

Bah!  After seeing you and your wife in the Cal24 last year, I think you'll have no problem doing this.  Although I do have to wonder how many of these missions are going to be open during the night portion of your ride.
So are you and Greg participating again this year?

For me, I'm not really into picking 2 points on a map, with a freeway between them,  just to get the IBA cert.  There's nothing wrong with this strategy, it's just not my cup of tea.  City traffic and multiple stops along the way, add to the challenge and keeps the mind active for 24 hrs.
I agree, slabs suck. I did a big loop of Nevada for my SS1K with a very litttle slab but for my BBG I will have to use slab to get it done. After that I will take the senic route to flush my brain.


Just a heads up... Traffic from Santa Babs southward to OC is as nuts on Saturdays as the rest of the week. The PCH is usually a parking lot with all the cruising and beach goers.

Your map is too small to read, but it looks like you are on the 101 to the 405 to the 5, if so: There is no car pool lane on 101. From 101 to the 10, 405 does have a car pool lane where it ends until you pass the 105. From there, you have a car pool lane all the way to the 5. By then you should be clear of major traffic until you hit Encinitas where the traffic gets bad again.

Note that the CHP heavily patrols 5 from the 405 to Encinitas and back. Keep all four eyes open around the intersection of the 74 (Ortega Highway), which is where they seem to be most often. Keep it to 70 mph and you'll be okay.

Also, when going through Ventura on the 101S, CalTrans is rebuilding the bridges over the Santa Clara river. Be real careful as the road jinks severely left then back right. Cagers often straddle the lanes because the kinks catch them off guard. Had a semi overturn yesterday and it blocked the road for a good chunk of the day. The only other construction that you need to be aware of is the section of the 405 that passes the exits for LAX where they are adding car pool lanes. Little tight there, but not too bad.

Then it looks like you're heading back up on the 15... Be aware that there is a check point and be careful of wind conditions - it gets nasty in there!

Have, er, fun! ;)

Just a heads up...  Traffic from Santa Babs southward to OC is as nuts on Saturdays as the rest of the week.  The PCH is usually a parking lot with all the cruising and beach goers.

Your map is too small to read, but it looks like you are on the 101 to the 405 to the 5, if so:  There is no car pool lane on 101.  From 101 to the 10, 405 does have a car pool lane where it ends until you pass the 105.  From there, you have a car pool lane all the way to the 5.  By then you should be clear of major traffic until you hit Encinitas where the traffic gets bad again.

Note that the CHP heavily patrols 5 from the 405 to Encinitas and back.  Keep all four eyes open around the intersection of the 74 (Ortega Highway), which is where they seem to be most often.  Keep it to 70 mph and you'll be okay. 

Also, when going through Ventura on the 101S, CalTrans is rebuilding the bridges over the Santa Clara river.  Be real careful as the road jinks severely left then back right.  Cagers often straddle the lanes because the kinks catch them off guard.  Had a semi overturn yesterday and it blocked the road for a good chunk of the day.  The only other construction that you need to be aware of is the section of the 405 that passes the exits for LAX where they are adding car pool lanes.  Little tight there, but not too bad.

Then it looks like you're heading back up on the 15...  Be aware that there is a check point and be careful of wind conditions - it gets nasty in there!

Have, er, fun! ;)
Skyway, TWN is absolutely correct - I have sat in traffic from SB to OC on a Saturday afternoon and evening till late at night, the only reason I could figure was traffic. No accidents, just lots of peeps in their cages.

Not Good. That section of 101 south bound into LA is not a good place to be.

Please be careful, or time your ride to hit SB in the late evening, or perhaps run it south to north?

Be Safe

Here's a better view of the Socal portion of the route. It does not include the 405, which is a real 8 or more lane wide bitch of a parking lot for sure. By the time we get down to this area, we should be well into the evening.

See red pushpin 25, that's where my good buddy TurboDave98 will be waiting for us to sign our paperwork for the IBA, provided we make it on time.


Great route.

I commend you for doing such a ride.

Plus after seeing all the missions, you'll be in good shape for Spank 2006. B)

Have a blast!


Bah!  After seeing you and your wife in the Cal24 last year, I think you'll have no problem doing this.  Although I do have to wonder how many of these missions are going to be open during the night portion of your ride.
So are you and Greg participating again this year?
Greg is as far as I know. I'm probably not. I already have 3 weeks of vacation planned for this year, so I dont think I'll be able to make it to too many rally's this year. :(

As a matter of fact, the only rally I'm really planning on going to is the Spank 5 day rally. I may be able to pull off the LOE1000 near the end of the year because its close enough for me to just call in sick the Friday of the rally. :bad: I don't need to take the following Monday off for travel time.

Great route.
I commend you for doing such a ride.

Plus after seeing all the missions, you'll be in good shape for Spank 2006. B)

Have a blast!

I'm not sure I'm ready quite yet for a 5 day rally event. This year I hope to do this ride, a 2-up BBG, 2-up Cal24, solo 100ccc. The latter will be a test to see how I hold up for multiple day mile crunching.

I wouldn't want to show up for a multi-day event as the one your hosting, only to fade out before finishing.

Looks like a fun ride. I have a few routing suggestions:

  • Unless you need gas, food, and/or a rest stop, stay on the 23 until it joins with the 118 instead of taking Olsen/Madera.
  • From the San Fernando Mission, avoid downtown LA by going east on the 118, then south on the 210, which has much less traffic than I-5 through the San Fernando Valley.
  • It's almost always best to avoid I-5 from downtown LA to the Orange County line - it has only three narrow lanes in each direction, no carpool lanes, and lots of congestion - even on weekends. From the San Gabriel Mission, I recommend going east on I-10 or SR-60 to the 605, which has carpool lanes; stay on the 605 until the 91 east (which also has carpool lanes) to the I-5 south.
These add about 10 miles to the route, but I think you'll save a lot of time overall. Good luck!
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Looks like a fun ride.  I have a few routing suggestions:
  • Unless you need gas, food, and/or a rest stop, stay on the 23 until it joins with the 118 instead of taking Olsen/Madera.
  • From the San Fernando Mission, avoid downtown LA by going east on the 118, then south on the 210, which has much less traffic than I-5 through the San Fernando Valley.
  • It's almost always best to avoid I-5 from downtown LA to the Orange County line - it has only three narrow lanes in each direction, no carpool lanes, and lots of congestion - even on weekends.  From the San Gabriel Mission, I recommend going east on I-10 or SR-60 to the 605, which has carpool lanes; stay on the 605 until the 91 east (which also has carpool lanes) to the I-5 south.
These add about 10 miles to the route, but I think you'll save a lot of time overall.  Good luck!
If I followed your advice, this should be the revised route.


This route will add a few miles, but you'll have a much better chance of avoiding traffic tie-ups by staying out of downtown LA and avoiding I-5 until the carpool lanes start at the 91.

Good luck!
