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Purveyor of Crooked Facts
Jun 13, 2005
Reaction score
Skootsdale, AZ
Got these photos from an ebay ad on an 08 FJR. How do peeps builds stuff like this? This is WAY cool. Wish I had skillz to do stuff like this.

I guess it is interfering with some of the airflow that is supposed to come up there and relieve the negative pressure, but I would be all over it.




Linky to ebay auction.

I too wish I had the talent, time and place to do stuff like this...that is way kewl. I have a college buddy that could manufacture stuff like this. To bad he lives 600 miles from me, he be all over stuff like this.


I wonder if it's a one off? Can't tell from the description and I'll bet the seller doesn't have a clue. I'd get one in a heart beat too.

If you haven't seen it for sale on the THIS forum. You can bet it is a one off. :rolleyes:

It is sweeet.

THAT is awesome... i'd like to see inside it and from the front...

there's an opportunity here for someone who's handy with plastics! imagine a carbon fiber front, and illuminated switches, and perhaps a somewhat slimmer profile on the left and right sides bringing it a bit more flush to the existing instrument pod... a simple aluminum or polymer chasis inside...


might have to build one...

An 08 with <10K miles....Looks like he spent all his time cleaning & waxing & fabricating instead of riding. But it does look way cool!

Maybe I'm missing something. It looks like he fab'd a box to hold his radar detector.

What's the attraction? I've got mine mounted on a N-Line dash shelf. Much simpler - not locked in to any particular device, etc.

Must have ben an expensive ebay listing with all of those pictures.

Pretty crappy average gas mileage - 38.3? Maybe it's all uphill, cause my average is around 47.


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Ran across this ad yesterday. Nice box with a good chunk of toggle switches that seem to have no use.

He probly some electronic tech woking at a DOE lab, using Govt supplies and Govt timee to work on his own shit, otherwise why would you spend the time for just a detector box? :lol:

Pretty crappy average gas mileage - 38.3? Maybe it's all uphill, cause my average is around 47.


Now how does that happen? Mine is a solid 43 on the highway and 40-41 commuting on back roads - Maybe I need to ditch some weight? Both me and the bags? :angry2:

Now how does that happen? Mine is a solid 43 on the highway and 40-41 commuting on back roads - Maybe I need to ditch some weight? Both me and the bags? :angry2:
Not sure - I recently got right around 50 mpg on a ride down to the coast (mostly highway).

I tend not to twist the throttle too quickly, usually within 15 or so of the speed limit etc. The worst gas mileage is under rapid acceleration. Weight is also a consideration - I normally weigh in right around 170.

Now this thread has officially become a NEPRT.

Pretty crappy average gas mileage - 38.3? Maybe it's all uphill, cause my average is around 47.
Now how does that happen? Mine is a solid 43 on the highway and 40-41 commuting on back roads - Maybe I need to ditch some weight? Both me and the bags? :angry2:
That's about what I got with the PC3 and the intake cam off by a tooth.

Fixed the cam, now getting mid-40's.

I do believe I have seen this before on this forum. Maybe like 3 or 4 years back?
I would love to see a close-up and figure out how difficult it would be to build. I would see if I could put the Zumo front and center and do a bit of an overhang to help shade the screen. A Datel on one side and switches/heat-trollers on the other. Satellite radio antenna on top. Might be interesting to mount a Fuzeblock inside and have the whole works attached with heavy duty velcro (plus a safety strap) and some sort of multiplex connector so it could be pulled off the bike when parked overnight somewhere. Wonder how much room you could make inside without hitting the windshield?


I do believe I have seen this before on this forum. Maybe like 3 or 4 years back?
I would love to see a close-up and figure out how difficult it would be to build. I would see if I could put the Zumo front and center and do a bit of an overhang to help shade the screen. A Datel on one side and switches/heat-trollers on the other. Satellite radio antenna on top. Might be interesting to mount a Fuzeblock inside and have the whole works attached with heavy duty velcro (plus a safety strap) and some sort of multiplex connector so it could be pulled off the bike when parked overnight somewhere. Wonder how much room you could make inside without hitting the windshield?

The big trick here was how the guy got the panel over the gauges to conform to that shape. The top, front and sides are easy, matching it to the bike is the trick. I'm working on someting else related to conforming to the bike's shape and it's not easy
