Motorcycle Chase

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I love that video. This guy supposedly has a reputation for going out and baiting the cops with his cameras rolling. I have played the cat and mouse games with other bikes or cars but never the cops. I love they way he cruises to allow the cop to catch up and then takes off again. I thought Volvos all came with ABS.

Only could do this in a liberal country like Holland or Sweden. If you did this in Texas they would spike strip you or pitt you with a mustang.

There are many in the motorcycle community that believe the real Ghost Rider died in an accident in 2005, whilst some of Stockholm's youth claim with conviction that he really is a ghost and can ride through walls to evade police.
yeah. i can't wait to see the video where they try to replicate that stunt.

I spent some time on the Bar Harbor ferry talking with a Canadian who was in the US Army in Oklahoma. He said he was stopped (in OK) on his Yamaha 600 sportbike with road-blocks after a high speed chase that started with him wanting to see 'wottle she do'. His story was that there were eventually several different LEO departments involved and the subsequent 'roughing-up' wasn't pretty. The ensuing legal consequences, not to mention issues with the Army, were apparently still with him.

Don't know the veracity of that story -- but, it was well told and still haunts me. And...when dis-embarking at Yarmouth, my s.o. and I were waved right-thru by the 'gendarmes' while he was singled-out for inspection/discussion. :huh:

If there's a moral to this story -- it might be that it's a "high-stakes game"?

Yeah. I'm used to seeing an armada of red and blue lights from both directions and the helicopters trying to avoid each other.

Any one catch the artical of cannon ball run in cycle word? It must take balls the size of Texas to be able to contend in a race like that. If any one is interested it is in the states these year. :dribble:

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Which is more sane? The calm collective response by law enforcement in the video not exacerbating the problem and pushing the speeds up higher or the typical Texas response you mentioned involving AR-15's, shotguns and spike strips in response to a traffic violation?

Texas brought us Waco. Congratulations.

Which country would you rather live in? the United States or Texas? This is a rhetorical question. :rolleyes:

Which is more sane? The calm collective response by law enforcement in the video not exacerbating the problem and pushing the speeds up higher or the typical Texas response you mentioned involving AR-15's, shotguns and spike strips in response to a traffic violation?
Texas brought us Waco. Congratulations.

Which country would you rather live in? the United States or Texas? This is a rhetorical question. :rolleyes:
:vinsent: :trinibob: :gun: Texas!
