Mounting Centech Fuse Block

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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In the FWIW Department, I'm now selling the relay and wiring kit for the Centech Fuse Block with a special length to provide a good mounting for the relay on the FJR.
Centech Wiring/Relay kit for the FJR1300 at Bike Effects.
Woops, sorry bro., open mouth insert foot, my bad. I did buy the AP-2 setup including the harness from our very own "Bike Effects". What was I thinking :blushing: and I always look to our board member vendor's first for purchase. And the quality of parts and the service is above and beyond compare. And did I say Jeff gives us a discount? Thanks Jeff! :good:

Here is a little bracket that I copied from someone here on the form.

It keeps it up out of the way.
What good is that fuse block? It's got no wires going to it! ;)
New wireless wiring.

Anyone found a good spot near battery? For those who have mounted under seat, what is the best way to route the wires back to the battery? Any photos?

MY FZ1 from is slipped into the hole/crevice next to the windshield arm on the right (battery) side of my Gen I '04 under the panels kinda in the nose. Definitely not the easiest place to have to change blown fuses, but no problem so far and the farkles it powers are non essential.
I would suggest that the fuse block should be installed in a place that's easy to get to. I had a fuse block installed under the fairing of one of my bikes and the GPS blew a fuse when I was riding in the middle of nowhere. Thanks to my brilliant installation replacing the fuse meant removing a bunch of plastic so I finished the last leg of the trip without the GPS. No big deal that time but it taught me to rethink my fuse block installation. What if it were my heated grips on a freezing cold morning. If I have to change out a fuse for any reason, I want to be able to get at the fuse block quickly.
