Certainly not easy, but a very satisfying accomplishment. In CA, I had to retake the basic class (at my own expense) then observe several range and classroom sessions. First aid and CPR certifications are needed. CA now requires a Live Scan, since some of the students are minors. In preparation for the course, there is a hefty homework assignment.
The actual course was either seven consecutive days, or three weekends (Fri evening, all day Sat and Sun). The staff are sticklers for punctuality and will disqualify any tardy candidates up to and including the last day.
Some of the time is spent in a classroom with sessions about how adults learn. On the range, volunteers attempt to teach each exercise then get critiqued on how badly they did. Gradually the 'coaches' improve as they learn from the trainer. While each pair of 'coaches' are running the show, the rest of the class fills the role of the students.
At the culmination of the class, each rookie coach is assigned some exercises for both range and classroom then graded on how they perform with a class made up of real students. The group of coaches conduct a full BRC, under the close scrutiny of the trainer.
Drop me a line if you have questions. I don't profess to be an expert but I can share my own experiences.