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Slapnpop...want some good bass playing....check out level42. Mark king rules....that area. Otherwise, jaco pastorius, jeff berlin, billy sheehan, geddy lee(rules), christopher squire(yes), buddy(from hendrix's old band).....who else....oh, bunny brunell....he has his own bass built by carvin....I have a couple of carvin guitars. yet, not one of bunny's.

Oh crap odot !!! I can't believe I didn't mention Jaco. Try to find his self titled debut album for a bass lesson.

Can't believe I didn't mention Jaco........bad Karma..........probably break a string for that. :erm:

That's ok....I have his live album....he rules. I wouldn't ever play it to anyone....they just wouldn't understand. Gotta play bass to understand jaco. I was in middleschool when I heard that he died. I went to the library...listened to some stuff and bawled my eyes out. Damn bar owner who had a prob with jaco has a prob with me now. Too bad I won't ever meet the piece of crap. Still have weather report to sooth me, though.

"I was drunk..the day my momma out of prison......"so i pick the rain....." :D
... but before I could get to the staion in my pickup truck... she got run over by a danged old train...

The greatest country music song of all time! :D
