My apologies for being "over the edge".

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Aw, man. Do we have to ride all the way up there to bust him up a mite? Don't they have something like a mail-order bitch slap that we could send by UPS?
No need to order anything. I have multiple ex-wives always eager to volunteer their time.


You only live about 60 miles east of me.... short ride...<G>

I cant' find anything insulting in your posts....shall I invent some insults? <G>


I want to apologize if my recent posts have been a bit "over the top". I'm especially concerned that I may be perceived as portraying myself as some kind of "expert". I have just enough years of motorcycling and mechanic work on bikes to know that I should NEVER forget what my Daddy always said...
"The day you think you have the motorcycle mastered, sell it. Because it's about to kill you."

Throttling back to reality.

Jeff Ashe
It's a fine line between confidence and cockiness. I never really noticed you crossing the line. But then, I'm the confident sort, too ;)

Well, I would like to go on record to say that I was completely offended. In fact, now that I think about it, you're all a bunch of stupid jerks except, maybe, for those who bought the exact same farkles I did. You guys are pretty smart except you're probably too mechanically inept to install them correctly. And those of you who bought other farkles are overpaid morons who toss good cash after trash. And you're a complete idiot if you don't wear the exact same gear I do all the time including in your office chair because that book might fall off the shelf. And I pity you fools who bought something other than an '03 because those other colors are butt ugly. And you're a wimp if you didn't do a BBG yesterday. And what kind of moron doesn't use the same oil I do, even when I change my mind?

Of course, I'm kidding. Pretty much everything I know about this bike I learned here, and I'm grateful to you all. And if Jeff said something offensive, I missed it.

But your tires suck.

WOW! Squeezer, if I hadn't been wearing my flame retardent underwear today I would have been offended by that.

WOW! Squeezer, if I hadn't been wearing my flame retardent underwear today I would have been offended by that.
;) I hope you could see from a mile away that my tongue firmly implanted in my cheek. Although it hits at where discussions sometimes go bad, it's the exchange of ideas around here that has taught me so much. Differing opinions are a good thing. And I still haven't found anything from Jeff that was offensive.

Speaking of underwear, though, this might be helpful in my gear...

(I like the 30 day guarantee. Do they really want people to return it?)

You guys are all a bunch a queers....Im pretty sure you all have Lifetime as a favorite channel on your TVs :p

I want to apologize if my recent posts have been a bit "over the top". I'm especially concerned that I may be perceived as portraying myself as some kind of "expert". I have just enough years of motorcycling and mechanic work on bikes to know that I should NEVER forget what my Daddy always said...
"The day you think you have the motorcycle mastered, sell it. Because it's about to kill you."

Throttling back to reality.

Jeff Ashe
Your daddy was right. Look at the stats for pilots. Low hour (5000 hours) smart asses generally screw up because they think they know it all. BTW This is not general for all my pilot buddies!

However the ones with real experience generally do a lot better and survive longer. Usually to a ripe old age.
