My apologies for being "over the edge".

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Over the top? So now its down hill all the way? Methinks around here they call it "ambience". You have been assimilated and you are now part of the collective.

Now....put down the mask and slowly back away......There.......take a deep breath.....exhale......take another deep breath....exhale. Feel better? You are now free to return to being yourself. :rolleyes:

I don't understand why ODOT doesn't jump all over this shit anymore. But I'll just say,

Park it beside a tree, have a beer, and forget it........
ODOT is still re-learning how to kick his left leg up to stomp some eskimo-sense into people. Besides, learning the hard way is a lot funnier albeit, a bit more expensive. :unsure:
I thought that guy in the Pauly Shore video looked like you. Pissed off a few Texicans, have you?

I want to apologize if my recent posts have been a bit "over the top". I'm especially concerned that I may be perceived as portraying myself as some kind of "expert". I have just enough years of motorcycling and mechanic work on bikes to know that I should NEVER forget what my Daddy always said...
"The day you think you have the motorcycle mastered, sell it. Because it's about to kill you."

Throttling back to reality.

Jeff Ashe
No need to apologize. The group has not found the "TOP" yet so your ok.

Merry Christmas! (and any FJR can take one "Over the Top) !



I didn't find your comments "over the top". I've found the whole discussion here fairly instructive and it's given me something to think about. Everyone brings something new to the table because of their experiences and it's up to us to grab those ideas and use them or leave them alone. It's what makes this Forum what it is.


Aw, man. Do we have to ride all the way up there to bust him up a mite? Don't they have something like a mail-order bitch slap that we could send by UPS?
No need to order anything. I have multiple ex-wives always eager to volunteer their time.

Well that explains the hormonal change in posts.

Your dick has already been cut off :lol:
LOL, Yeah maybe if you ask nice she'll let you take it of the jar and play with it! lol How about we get a group hug here? Jeez, can we get some testosterone in here also?

Nothing stirs the pot better than an apology for something no one remembers! :dribble:

Nice one Jeff, keep 'em coming.

I don't understand why ODOT doesn't jump all over this shit anymore. But I'll just say,

Park it beside a tree, have a beer, and forget it........
ODOT is still re-learning how to kick his left leg up to stomp some eskimo-sense into people. Besides, learning the hard way is a lot funnier albeit, a bit more expensive. :unsure:
I thought that guy in the Pauly Shore video looked like you. Pissed off a few Texicans, have you?
That would be "texamo" to you, fencer. And yes, scab is on the mark when he says, "group hugs are gay". ;)



jeff, you ride too fast. slow the hell down. :eek:


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jeff, you ride too fast. slow the hell down. :eek:
I hate it when a woman tells me that. It leaves me no choice but to turn her around and try the other direction.

(Working on my testosterone prose.)

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Hey Jeff,

Sounds like you got quite the support group here, all telling you not to worry about it.

What a group huh?

Gotta love dbx's post !

as a Noob to this board.... Huh? I didnt see nuthin outta line by yer posts Jeff...

BTW, I was in your neck of the woods Tuesday, on way home from Benton TN via 64/74/9.... got ice in Nantahala...veeerrry interesting ride during that part...

Will ping U next time Im up that way.,...


Well that explains the hormonal change in posts.

Your dick has already been cut off :lol:

Now that's funny right there, I don't care who you are. :lol:

Me thinks a thread or two may have gotten under Jeff's ashe and burred his internal saddle. He probably internalized this anguish and was surprised at the level of emotion it invoked. He then brusquely fired off several (to what appeared to him) rude replies. Little did he know his rude replies weren't rude enough to trigger the hostile forum workplace-o-mom-eter.

As repentance for his evil ways, we now get to officially and publicly roast the young mans ashe. I say we do so by obfuscating his last name into a myriad of offensive prose's.

Things like:

  1. "Haulin' Ashe"
  2. 'Your dad is one smart Ashe'
  3. "returning a burned fjr from the ashes "
So says Doc Carver, 50 dollars puhleaze. :p
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