So many exclamation points.Hope he feels better but move this thread!!!!!!!!
So little time.
So many exclamation points.Hope he feels better but move this thread!!!!!!!!
Hope he's careful doing his ritual shaving...Said his skin doesn't hurt any more.
Good news, but that's a funny use of the word only!Only his joints and lungs are hurtin'.
[SIZE=36pt]HEY!!![/SIZE]Get well & stay away from RadioHowie & other barnyard animals!
Once again Jill has shown that she is the most polite and tactful member of this forum (yes, I'm aware how faint this praise is). Since Howie has reported that Bust is feeling better, I think it's time to admit that I'm laughing with AND at you, Bust. Really now, if one can't find humor in the fact that Bust, of all the people on this forum, has gotten a virus that primarily infects livestock, then somebody has not been following the post/topic career of one Bustanut Joker. Hoping for a full and quick recovery for you, buddy, you're one of those people that make this forum so interesting.Get well soon Busta.
This must be the first time that reading a post about a forum member's illness, has made me laugh. Laughing WITH you buddy, not AT you.
[SIZE=14pt]SHEEP VD!!! [/SIZE]Dude you got sheep VD and now everyone knows about it.
[SIZE=14pt]SHEEP VD!!! [/SIZE]Dude you got sheep VD and now everyone knows about it.
Bust, I love ya man, but that there is too, TOO funny! :finger: