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Well-known member
Jun 13, 2005
Reaction score
Twentynine Palms, CA
Last summer I had my uncle, a machinist, make some replacement bobbins for my Moko's. They turned out pretty good, IMO. Today while I had them off of the bike I decided to see how they'd polish up using some Mother's Aluminum polish. I only had to put about 5 minutes into each one to dramatically improve the look. Here are a few pics of "Before & After"





Really nice!

I wonder if your uncle would do those for a stranger for a price?

For what it's worth. I got some of the magic Mix Polish with my header from Dale Walker. He thinks this stuff is the *****, and requires it's use on the header to clean and maintain the finish. The stuff claims, on the bottle, to be "The Lazy Mans Polish" (apparently, women spontaneously combust if they use it). I thought "fine, I'm lazy, so I definitely qualify". Then I thought "Paris wouldn't look bad in tha" hmmmm, never mind about that. But anyway, turns out the stuff does work beautifully, and is the most effortless aluminum polish I have ever used, but kinda spendy. Being the cheap **** I am, I did what any self respecting transexual would do, I bent ove.....again, scratch that. But I did find a source that has the stuff at an amazingly low price (sorry Dale). Cheap Magic The stuff really does work, and this place has it very reasonable. Don' tmean to change the topic, but figured this was as good a place as any to mention it.

Really nice!
I wonder if your uncle would do those for a stranger for a price?
I asked him once before and didn't really get a reply...I'll try again. I do know that they won't come all that cheap seeing as how they're just the'll have to fork the cash for some actual Moko's (Moto's, whatever) so that you'll have the hardware and the mounting brackets.

If anyone is interested PM me or post here and I'll ask him. I'll give it the rest of the week and if I don't have much of a response by Friday I'll figure it's a no-go.

Really nice!
I wonder if your uncle would do those for a stranger for a price?
Uh, Skyway has some in stock and ready to ship that would polish up real nice. They don't have graphics, if that's important to you. Click

So, where's the show-and-shine competition? Are you adding some Boogie Lights?
Funny you should mention that...I figure if Warchild's stator review turns out the way we all hope I can go with this setup...


If not, I'll go this route and just add a small generator in the trailer...


nice hope they never get used...... TWN you are a real nut ball HAHAHA :lol:


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I'd be interested in a (polished) pair of those if your

uncle is game.

Yes, I'll pay for them (at a reasonable price), say

maybe $65 or somewhere in that neighborhood.

Please advise...

