My first scratch on my '08

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Jan 18, 2009
Reaction score
Stillwater, OK
I did some riding this last week when the weather was cooperating (It's snowing again now!), it was in the mid 80's, and I was riding close to 200 miles, so I wore my Sidi air boots to keep my feel cool and dry. I made it to my destination, and walking around the bike afterwards, I see scratches on the right panel. One of the armour parts on my boots scratched all the way through the paint. So, now I'm looking for something to cover up the scratches, and protect what is left. Any ideas? No pictures yet, I left the bike in a friends garage in OKC, going back to get it this weekend.

Trade it in.




Ok. Just get used to the marks....they add a little "character." Scratches are like merit badges...cute little indicators of manhood for the likes of boy scouts. Take a look at some people's signatures around here. The real honors come with drops and crashes. ;) You can bet those people have real nice marks on their bikes.

Seriously, scratches are no big deal. In fact, you'll find that many around here believe a clean bike is a gay bike. Just ride the crap out of it!


and if scratches really bother you, hang a steibel compact air horn on a tip-over-guard to pull the eye away from the scratches




I've got the exact same issue... edges of the boots scuffing up the side panels. I've pretty much resolved myself to just living with it- they're the only scuffs or scratches on the bike. I suppose if I wanted to sell it and was worried about the effect it would have on the price I could repaint the panels; but otherwise, I guess I'll just let it be.

Throw some reflective tape or stickers over the scratches, call it a farkle and ride the bike.

I put this 3M product called ISC Helicopter-OG Surface Guard Tape (Outdoor Grade)8mil thick to protect alll the spots that needs protection. Look for

Years ago I was a professional photographer. I would carry 1000's of dollars worth of gear in a small suitcase. When I was shooting I had to be quick. That meant literally tossing expensive lenses over to my camera case. I had nicks, dings, scratches and stuff all over everything.

One day, a guy I was tutoring saw me doing this and could hardly believe his eyes. "You might scratch the lens barrel!"

"yeah," I said. Those scratches and dings are what makes it mine. It's all a bit of history.

I talked to a guy the other day about his farkles. He's got a lot that I want. I asked what he was going to do next. He said, "All I want now is more miles on my bike."


Well, I might take the award for most dim-witted scuff ever.

Yesterday, I was maneuvering my one-week-old ‘06 AE into a nice, tight corner in my garage cause I know it will be raining for the next three days and I wanted it out of the way so my wife wouldn’t hit it with her SUV. I carefully lifted it up onto the centerstand and sent the rear end right through the frickin’ drywall in the back of my garage.

Luckily, just a lot of sheet-rock dust and with a good wipe down she was good as new, but man, I felt so stupid…..

How bout riding it like a real motorcycle and offroading around concrete barriers onto a closed road to go through a washout after a heavy rain. I scratched my bag on said concrete barrier whilst slow speed maneuvering in gravel up on both pegs.

Seriously, scratches are no big deal. In fact, you'll find that many around here believe a clean bike is a gay bike. Just ride the crap out of it!
msfchris ,, sorry to hear about the scratch ,,,,

I guess I must be gay ,, I try to keep my bike clean AND waxed,,

on the other hand ,,, I'm a target shooter ,,, a lot of my firearms have the blue / finish worn off from holster wear

and / or using them and thousands of rounds thru them....

A while back I got a new $1000 + shooting iron ,,, all pretty ,, nice finish ,, etc,, I thought ,, if I put that in a holster

it will wear the finish ,,,, Then I thought ,,, Did I buy it to look at ,, or did I buy it to shoot,,???

I did some riding this last week when the weather was cooperating (It's snowing again now!), it was in the mid 80's, and I was riding close to 200 miles, so I wore my Sidi air boots to keep my feel cool and dry. I made it to my destination, and walking around the bike afterwards, I see scratches on the right panel. One of the armour parts on my boots scratched all the way through the paint. So, now I'm looking for something to cover up the scratches, and protect what is left. Any ideas? No pictures yet, I left the bike in a friends garage in OKC, going back to get it this weekend.

Wearing flip flops while riding would eliminate that problem :p

This gets gayer and gayer by the post.........

oh, patriot....nice job on the horn. It's what us old skool mechanics call "farming 101".

Thats got to be the stupidest thing i've ever seen on a motorcycle, WHY; well maybe the second only next to this FJR i saw with a blow up doll riding passenger

I've got the exact same issue... edges of the boots scuffing up the side panels. I've pretty much resolved myself to just living with it- they're the only scuffs or scratches on the bike. I suppose if I wanted to sell it and was worried about the effect it would have on the price I could repaint the panels; but otherwise, I guess I'll just let it be.
+1 but still not best the design going. This is the only bike I've owned that had this problem, but still an awesome bike. Brief aside - just ordered a $900!!! good Lord Corbin Smuggler so I guess I'll be keeping the FJR for a while!



and if scratches really bother you, hang a steibel compact air horn on a tip-over-guard to pull the eye away from the scratches



Note to self - never ever delay in pulling away from a light with Patriot behind me lest he toot his dual horns from hell at me. Yikes!
