My FJR Made the Paper!

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Smilin' Kyle

Well-known member
Apr 1, 2009
Reaction score
Gig Harbor, WA
The Kitsap Sun did a write-up on my upcoming Boundary Ride of Washington State planned for August 7th through the 14th yesterday. They put the story on the bottom fold. There Belleza Negra was, front and certer! Well, I was there too, but that's beside the point.

The reporter even mentions the FJR specifically. I couldn't be happier. :clapping: :clapping: :clapping:

Here's the article:


Best damn post of the week!

I work at a CSU - and fully appreciate how underpaid/under respected faculty, especially non-tenured, are treated. Not sure where you are on that continuum. Nevertheless, combining a road trip with responsible riding and fuller perspective *shall* have positive results. My hat is off to you, my new found friend!

Be sure to post up a good RR here on the forum?

Kyle, what a cool thing!

I want to be in your junior high classroom. (I've got the maturity level.... Maybe. :D )

And yes, you'd BETTER take the time to share your trip here as well.

Great story, and excellent picture of you and your motorbike!

The Kitsap Sun did a write-up on my upcoming Boundary Ride of Washington State planned for August 7th through the 14th yesterday. They put the story on the bottom fold. There Belleza Negra was, front and certer! Well, I was there too, but that's beside the point.
Here I am pushing 50 and I still remember a science teacher I had in junior high, Mr. Graham. He took a sabbatical for year to get married and go around the world when I was in Grade 8. When he returned I lucked out and had him for a teacher in Grade 9. As I recall, he spent a few days at the start of the year giving us the ultimate ride report. No amount of TV replaces first person accounts of experiences had while traveling the world. Incredible guy with a real zest for life and a great teacher.

Good on ya, I wish there were more like you!

Good going Kyle.

I sent Ms Nelson a thank you note. The website gives her address kitsapeducation at yahoo dot com.

Dear Ms Nelson,

Thank you for the great article about Kyle Dye's motorcycle trip. Kyle shared a link to it on our FJR1300 motorcycle group's forum. These days most news articles about the sport are mostly about the gangs, speeders on sport bikes, and accidents. A vast majority of us ride safely wearing proper and hi-tech safety equipment. And we love the many aspects of riding. I compare the feelings I get to those when I read the old mountaineering manual "Freedom of the Hills". Now "Freedom of the Road" for me. Hmmm, somebody needs to write that one! It's great to read an article with a positive spin. Thanks again.


Kyle good luck on the trip, have fun and ride safe. Nice article written in a positive way. Wish I was riding with you.

Wow, I've thought about buying a KLR650 and riding the perimeter of Colorado, including the trails.

Your idea sounds great.

I concur with all the comments. Cudos to you and the newspaper reporter. I wish my kids in Junior High had you as a teacher. I definately want to hear about the ride report and I'm asking that you post up how the kids react to the lessons learned. Great job man! :clapping:

That is an extremely cool article, and a positive promotion on motorcycling in general. Way to go, enjoy your ride! :yahoo:

Sounds like a great trip that I'd like to try someday. You will go through my little berg. Stop and say Hi and I'll get a photo.

What a cool theme! I had a kinda sorta similar experience during the Wild Wild West rally. At the beginning of the trip, all my stops were about getting the requisite photo & moving on. There were a couple times where i found information about a particular site quite interesting so i researched some of them after i had a chance to get home & recover. Lots of rich history & lore in Nevada, & i'm sure you'll discover more than you knew about your own state. Can't wait to hear about it!

I had the same thought others have expressed of how interested I'd have been to get this from one of my junior high teachers. The only male junior high teachers I remember are the one who slugged the student in class and the one who told us a nuclear war "ending life as we know it" was inevitable and imminent. A-hole.

Anyway, good fun and good idea. So reviewing, as I understand it, you will ride your motorcycle around Washington’s boundary in August. You will use images and information gathered during your trip to teach your Washington state history class at Marcus Whitman in the fall.

That about it? :D

Kudos on the article! :clapping:

Great way to share your passion involving the history/geography of your state through scrolling scenery from a motorcycle platform.

Hey, BTW, your name is Dye! Maybe you can work something like this in Dyes ?
