my jobless odyssey

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Sep 24, 2007
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Arlington Heights, IL
HEY guess what. I am 58 and jobless. All the jobs go to the street punks out there. And also the illegals. HA Ha.

I have to laugh. I am a law abiding citizen of USA AND A TAXPAYER TOO. Ha! Have to laugh. I am burning through my life savings real fast. As fast as my dear FJR1300!!!!!! HA! No one will hire someone as old as me. That's OK.

I don't want to work for some young punk anyway. My plan is to go out west on my 05 FJR, y'know, the BLUE one. (The blue FJR seems to be pretty popular) Yes. Why not?? It's my GODDAMN COUNTRY TOO! If I get killed by some young punk in a hotrodd, s'ok. I don't mind. Maybe I'll find some fellow riders out there. BIRDS OF A FEATHER FLOCK TOGETHER. Another day on planet earth.

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I know what you are going through. I lost my job after 9/11 and times looked pretty bleak. During he year it took to find employment back in my line of expertise, I burned through most of my cash reserves (found out that my dad's advice to save 10% all those years ago wasn't so stupid after all).

I also took two jobs outside my career path during that year. The pay was significantly less, but it helped stem the flow of cash. More importantly, it helped my self esteem and those skills actually helped me land the job that got me back into my field again.

Adversity is not fun. But when you've overcome it, you have the perspective that you actually benefitted from it. At least that's my experience.

I hope your unemployment is of short duration. And I'm glad that you are planning a short decompression event on your beloved FJR.

Working IT and jaded against "young punks".... I see a choice here to create or eliminate a constant conflict in your life. Good luck on the job hunt. I wish you well.

IT help desk. Actually I used to work in Vernon Hills, IL at Deluxe Media about 1/4 mile from Famous Daves BBQ on 60. Do you know of it?
Know where, but can't say I saw that comp name. For some various reasons I should not be commenting on why you are w/o a job. Has nothing to do with you btw. All I can say is you have to brace your self. Two major players in this area are sending jobs to I....a

If I hear anything I will let you know. My wife is in the same shoes as you are. Good luck.

HEY guess what. I am 58 and jobless. All the jobs go to the street punks out there. And also the illegals. HA Ha.
I have to laugh. I am a law abiding citizen of USA AND A TAXPAYER TOO. Ha! Have to laugh. I am burning through my life savings real fast. As fast as my dear FJR1300!!!!!! HA! No one will hire someone as old as me. That's OK.

I don't want to work for some young punk anyway. My plan is to go out west on my 05 FJR, y'know, the BLUE one. (The blue FJR seems to be pretty popular) Yes. Why not?? It's my GODDAMN COUNTRY TOO! If I get killed by some young punk in a hotrodd, s'ok. I don't mind. Maybe I'll find some fellow riders out there. BIRDS OF A FEATHER FLOCK TOGETHER. Another day on planet earth.
Well that sucks. Don't you mean 48 though? Or did you fib on your profile?

Perhaps it's time to ask yourself what do you want to do? And how can you get there?

Good luck in the job hunt.

Working IT and jaded against "young punks".... I see a choice here to create or eliminate a constant conflict in your life. Good luck on the job hunt. I wish you well.
I know. I got a BIIIIGGGG MOOUTH. I'm a baaaaad boy. I need to find Jesus and keep my mouth shut and my head bowed like a good corporate soldier.

Working IT and jaded against "young punks".... I see a choice here to create or eliminate a constant conflict in your life. Good luck on the job hunt. I wish you well.
I know. I got a BIIIIGGGG MOOUTH. I'm a baaaaad boy. I need to find Jesus and keep my mouth shut and my head bowed like a good corporate soldier.
You talk a lot more like I did at 38 than I do now at 57... (not that being a "corporate soldier" gets you very far these days, either) Just sayin'... I do indeed wish you well. I would be pretty low, myself, if I were job hunting now...

IT help desk. Actually I used to work in Vernon Hills, IL at Deluxe Media about 1/4 mile from Famous Daves BBQ on 60. Do you know of it?
Know where, but can't say I saw that comp name. For some various reasons I should not be commenting on why you are w/o a job. Has nothing to do with you btw. All I can say is you have to brace your self. Two major players in this area are sending jobs to I....a

If I hear anything I will let you know. My wife is in the same shoes as you are. Good luck.
It sucks to have to move to Iowa when your job goes there. No mountains.


I'd need a passport to get there :p

That being said, its my opinion that there tends to be a job opportunity open for everyone, if you're a bit flexible and don't have any impossible "must haves" on your list.

Your new job doesn't need to have much to do with your current one... maybe you got some expertise in some similar areas?

When I was let go, I got a new job in another firm. I moved from phone bills to electrical bills, and from a Navision (Microsoft solution for small/medium businesses) to a custom made system. They liked my ability to quickly adapt to new systems, took me less than one month to start actual work on this new system. I do, however, have to admit I got lucky, and had a little help (friend was working there).

A friend of mine (age 57) was let go after years of selling insurance, after some trouble (ok age can be a bit more of an impediment) he's now working as an advisor for a financial services group, since he knows just about everything about insurances.

What experience did you gain through working? Are you a database expert? Word genius? Office know-it-all? Highlight that if its hard to get IT-Support jobs. Use any contacts you made during your time to check for opportunities.

Most people hate their jobs anyway. And I think all the stupid incompetent people have jobs now. I have a college degree in Psychology, Associate degree in computers (many years ago) , I have A+ and Network+ certification more recently. Now, I can't find a job to save my life. I am 58. Do I sound bitter and angry? YOU BETCHA!!

Most people hate their jobs anyway. And I think all the stupid incompetent people have jobs now. I have a college degree in Psychology, Associate degree in computers (many years ago) , I have A+ and Network+ certification more recently. Now, I can't find a job to save my life. I am 58. Do I sound bitter and angry? YOU BETCHA!!
I hear ya. I sure hope for your sake and my shortly that we both have enough saved to last us a couple of years as that is how long it might take for jobs to start trickling to states.

I am lucky to have a job now. Working with imbeciles is much tougher then I thought. But they do rule now days.
