It's a shame that Tyler's wish isn't easier to get. Really, how hard is it for people to leave each other alone? We don't have to like other people's BS, but someone would have to do something exceptionally heinous for me to want to cut off their head, let alone blows up a bunch of people that just don't agree with me. I guess that's the difference between extremists and normal people.
I guess I view these ******** like pigeons. Anyone ever had a pigeon problem? Scaring them away doesn't work, putting spikes around the area doesn't work, fake owls don't work, etc...What does work? Killing them. That way, the problem doesn't leave and devise a way to come back. It's like killing cockroaches. Once it's dead, it's no longer a problem. I'm very much an eye-for-an eye guy. People that hurt other people should be punished in a manner that mocks what they did. Beat an old couple, lock them in a trunk and set the car on fire? As soon as guilt is established, that guy needs to see a bat, an old car and a can of gasoline. **** him.
If people knew the price for their actions was swift and violent, they would knock their **** off. Instead, we care for them, and coddle them, because, pooooor them. **** them, remove them from the gene pool, and they'll never repeat their stupidity.
Of course, this is over simple, cuz I have lots of ideas, but guess how they all end...