My worst fear come true

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Well-known member
Oct 12, 2005
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Yesterday I got to do what every medic NEVER wants to do, take care of a friend in a VERY bad accident while on duty. Some bitch and her gangbanger boyfriend went out to start trouble and bit off more than they can chew when 3 rival gb's got to chasin them. Chickenshits started tearing away in their suburban when my friend was going down the street perpendicular to them,not on a call just patrolling his beat when BAM!


We get a call as accident poss involving pd and a car into biulding. We got there in 2 mins and found both pd conscious but confused and the "driver" of the suburban saying it was only him in the chevy and he was fine. After we cut my friend out of the car
I hear my supervisor calling all our pt's in for me telling our telemetry hosp where everyone is going, as I'm listening and treating my friend 2 pt's I didn't know about are radoed in. :blink: Where did these 2 come from?! If it were a bus acc I'd understand,he tells me witnesses pulled a female & her 2-3 yo girl out of the crowd stating SHE WAS THE DRIVER and now she wants to get seen <_<

Arte i got mike stablized and ready to go we hear 6 not 2 or 3 but 6 witnesses saw her driving.When we get to the hospital and i leave mike to the trauma team there she is talking to the pd insisting she was a passenger and she hit her head on the passnger side,and the dumb ass medic(this guys an idiot I have worked w/ him and 0 respect for him wouldn't let this idiot treat a sick rat) tries telling the cops she's telling the truth. When i asked him if he saw the chevy she was in he says "no". After his ass is shredded by me for coming from an obvious point of ignorance he shuts up and looks a little more carefully at this cu%t and realizes her left hand has airbag marks and leaves after that is pointed out. Needless to say every time I saw him the rest of the day he wouldn't even come near where i was, and I dogged the runs i coulda took for them so he could get fu$%ed ever chance he could. One run we were at an intersection as they drove by for a call 2blocks away from us -12 for them and flipped 'em off as they went by :lol:

Anyway turns out 'ol boy decided what she was giving up to him wasn't worth takin the rap for and went to the station and told the truth :clapping: now they're gonna throw the book at this bitch. Oh, did I mention that the medics and er staff were paying attention to her kid and she acted like the cute little girl wsn't even there! Too busy trying to save her own ass than worrying about her kid!BITCH is all i can say w/o letting my emotions spill over a beer when someone taps the top just right!

Thanks for letting me vent! Oh, sorry about the file size,not my camera

Prepare to go ballistic when she gets "time served" or "community service". She probably has no insurance or only the minimum....that won't even replace the city car they destroyed. Or they'll get a good lawyer and the city will have to replace their car.

I hope the PD guys are okay and that they recover quickly.

Sounds all too familiar...another 'rerun' I have to deal with (that really pisses me off) is when we arrive at a 2 car MVA, badly damaged vehicles, bloody inside, and NO patients find out from witnesses that ALL occupants from both vehicles fled, since they have outstanding warrants, been busted for DWI before, etc..Get back to the station, then 45 mins. later get called out again to a residence near the MVA for....yeah- one of the dumbass drivers and/or passengers who obviously received their injuries in the wreck.... :angry2:

How in the hell did he get out of that without bigtime injiuires?

Best wishes for a complete and speedy recovery.


I once responded to a girl who we had met earlier and befriended after a field fire at her place. Her and her boyfriend got punched by some DK's on their way to work. They were both talking to us as we extricated them, but the male later died from a lacerated liver. About six months later, she called the station asking about details of the accident. She didn't remember a thing.

Sorry you had that experience. Somehow we suck it up and stay focused, but there is a cost exacted on our psyche, whether you feel it at the time or not. I have been through holding the hand of a brain-dead co-worker and having to say goodbye before the plug was pulled. There's not many feelings more helpless than waking up in the morning, knowing your friend is going to die today and there's nothing that will change the outcome. All we can do is spend everyday like it's going to be our last, just in case. Talking helps, hating only hurts more in the long run. Focus on the positive for your own good. Don't rent space in your head to negative energy. Recovery comes quicker that way.

thanks for what you do, brothers....

after 22 years, the last several of which as company officer in a 3000+ run house, i gotta say that the crappy 2% retirement we get here in washington state is still mighty fine...

you CAN live on 44 or 50 or 60%. don't forget to leave!

eyes open.


"Don't rent space in your head to negative energy."

Now there are words of wisdom. Well said TC, well said.

I used to work trauma a Cook Co Hosp.

Hope your friends recover quick

definitely some stool out there that should be flushed down the canal

Nasty story that...Surprisingly the interior from your photo looks relatively sound...Hope you mate is doing fine. It's a sad day when paramedics have to work on grubs all over the world!

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Saw him today,he's still in alittle pain and luckily doesn't remember anything, other than me being there. It was good to see him breathing alot better. Turns out his pelvis is broken in 4 places and 2 broken ribs,finding out tomorrow if they're gonna operate or let it heal on its own. Don't worry about the emotional stuff w/ me. I only get pissed at the idiots for a little while, and at them only. I believe anger management is the ability to your emotions like the scope on an m-14 only one target can fill it. Plus, seeing him surrounded by his family and smiling a bit here and there was really good for the soul, just glad he'll be okay eventually. Thanks for listening ya'll.


It sounds like your friend will make a full recovery...obviously a long road ahead. Best of luck to him & his family.

Like TC said, talking is a great way to vent is riding the FJR.....and going through a few boxes of ammo-of-your-choice at the local shooting range :evil: Perhaps you could combine all three on your next day off with a friend....


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