Mysterious Clear Adhesive Strips in New '07

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Well-known member
Nov 4, 2007
Reaction score
Aztec, NM
I bought my new '07 FJR approximately three weeks ago. Upon opening one of the side cases at the dealership, I found a pair of side case liners (I didn't know they came with the bike - freebies?) and a small, clear plastic bag containing two clear adhesive strips with a "3M" backing. The strips are approximately 3 1/2" long and 1" wide with a 2 5/16" notch cut out in the middle. The package has a label that says, "Sach-Nr.: 999840", "1 x 999824" and "1 x 999825". I then found another adhesive strip that is clear, backed with "3M" paper, and is approximately 10 1/4" long, 1 1/4" wide, and has a 2 3/16" x 7/8" notch cut out of the middle. The dealership had no idea what the strips are for, and I haven't a clue as to where they are supposed to go.

I'm hoping there is someone out there that can tell me the purpose of these strips so I can either install them or forget about them.

You are apperantly missing the instruction sheet that should also have been with your liners - look inside them both. The strips go at the attachment points - hold them up, you'll see.

I didn't install those 'liners' for their intended purpose. But I used them to 'shim' the bag mounts. What do I mean by that? Grab your installed bag, and you can wiggle it a lot. With the 'shims', which I had to cut to the rectangular shape of the 'holes', bags are rock solid. No slop whatsoever. Much better use of those strips IMO. Later.


Outstanding. Thanks for the "heads up" guys. I did look through the liners, again, but found nothing. I'm going to do something about the looseness of the bags (using shims) also. Appreciate the help.

Outstanding. Thanks for the "heads up" guys. I did look through the liners, again, but found nothing. I'm going to do something about the looseness of the bags (using shims) also. Appreciate the help.
ELP_JC's pretty out there sometimes and this is the first I've ever heard this suggestion. Don't think we all do this.

In fact, I'd recommend against it.

That slop may be intentional by engineers and foreign matter may change that tolerance fit to an interference fit as well as taking away a a buffer for bumpage from some idiot and a thigh walking in a parking lot. I've seen the saddlebag fasteners snapped off and it's not pretty.

That's one farkle I would reconsider.

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There should be 3 clear plastic strips per side. 2 to protect the paint around the top slots where the side bag hooks into and 1 for the slot on the underside where the lock mechanism turns into. My dealer installed them very poorly on just one side. Whoever did it had filthy fingers and left finger prints on the sticky side of the plastic. Against the dark blue paint, that's all you see are those finger prints. I ripped them off and made new strips and completed the job.

My dealer installed them very poorly on just one side. Whoever did it had filthy fingers and left finger prints on the sticky side of the plastic. Against the dark blue paint, that's all you see are those finger prints. I ripped them off and made new strips and completed the job.
Same here for my 05. the dealer ordered me a new set which I applied myself. On my 07, same thing but the dealer can't seem to get them. Now I know it wasn't Yamaha that installed them with the prints on the underside! :glare:

I found a pair of side case liners (I didn't know they came with the bike - freebies?)
Yes, the bike comes with soft sided luggage here in the States. You should of also gotten a spare lock for the bike. Same type of lock that is in your side bags and is keyed to them. It's included in case you'd like to get the tail bag that is offered for the bike, that way everything is keyed to one key.

As already stated, the clear stickers you have stick to the tail section around the holes for the bag attachment points to offer protection from scratching the paint when installing or removing the bags. The dealer should of put those on for you during assembly of the bike.

I love dealers that toss out documentation - NOT.

As it happens the bags for my bike came in after the machine was delivered, so I got to 'help' (that's code for I did the work myself) the mechanic set them up - He didn't bother to read the book (and it IS a book) and he tried to 'fudge the placement of the protectotrs.

But I held out for reading the manual before letting him do whatever he wanted and it was done properly on my machine.

Also were the rubber bottom bag mounts installed. Brought mine home without the dealer installing them, then found in bags along with plastic strips.

I thought it was just my dealer that was sloppy or lazy or both. 2006. strips not installed. No instructions left for me, guess they pitched the 'book'. No loctite on latch screws. They also installed my 'factory' heated grips. Funny, I thought when you ordered factory, they were installed in factory. Anyway, grip installation looked worse than awful. Redid it myself. needless to say, I'm not real keen on having them do anything else on my bike.

Maybe one of you guys should start your own FJR farkle shop. It would be worth the drive if you know you were gonna get quality work.
