Napa Spring run, 17th Feb.

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Here a few pics of todays ride......just to make the eastcoasters jealous !

The entrance to the San Francisco bay.


The lighthouse of the Marin headlands.


The Golden Gate with the Bay Bridge in the background


Enjoyed the day and the company. I turned off from the group and headed home when the group I was with headed to Guernville. The day was perfect, the group was exceptional and the bike met my every expecations. My wife took her bike and we rode up through the Capay Valley this morning. Just can get enough road time. Thanks Again... Rich
Nice to meet you, Doc, and chat over lunch. I think your son the professional racer would have been proud of Dad the way he handled Skaggs Springs Road.

Hey, let us know when Junior races at Infineon and we'll make it a ride!

Thanks for the photos!

Jim... It was fun to listen to a Cal Philosophy major. I was really impressed with the riding skills of the group. I plan on riding with you guys as much as possible. Junior finished 9th out of 39 riders today at Willow Springs. In the open/ unlimited class he finished 11th. Thanks again... PS how did you post the pictures? I have mine as a web-hosted site.

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Thanks Highlander for putting this together. This is my third season with the FJR and this is one of my favorite rides. The weather is always the same. GREAT!!! The roads were a little wet and dirty but I had no trouble. The extra 130 lbs. of traction on the back worked great. Can't wait til next year.

Here's a few of the pic I took. Sorry I was having to much fun to take more.

Gathering at the Corners


MM2 and SportBikeEffects(don't know the other person


RicknSack missing Karen aka DenMother (we missed her too )


JoyfulGirl (Ms Orangevale ) gets ready to ride ( sorry you weren't feeling well)


Highlander giving us the talk


Weekendrider takeing mental notes



We had lunch here in Hopeland


After lunch Mr Wizard and I headed home. 175 eastbound rocks.

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I was really enjoying myself until...

Many, many thanks to Sam and Jeff and another rider whose name/handle I did not get for helping me find the pieces, direct traffic, and get me on the road again...sorry to Jeff for not appreciating the humor at the moment when he suggested using my front fender as an add-on to my helmet. Also thanks to those that made a point of sharing some sympathy or other offers of help - THANKS ALL. :clapping:

A momentary lack of concentration and some loose stuff in a slow left turn - one second I was up, the next I was getting up.... drifted a tad wide. Have a couple of pics of that but it really ruins a wonderful ride.

Except for a new angle in the bars (to go straight required the bars about 20 degrees right); probably a new helmet (er, fender), upper cowling for sure, mirror, will probably live with the lower cowling damage for awhile, a new shifter assembly, what looks to be repairable cosmetic damage to the left bag, and, thanks to all the helpful information on this board, I think I can save the windscreen. With a little more luck, should be back in the road in a week or so (depending on the bars/forks issue). Only damage to me was a bruise on the inside of my right knee, I suspect suffered when I adjusted the bars on my way by. Was able to drive (thanks to Sam and Jeff for strappng my parts to the topcase and providing a bit of coaching) to Healdsburg where my brother helped me from there.

I hope my little episode didn't spoil anything for folks.

and even my child bride, whom I informed by cell that I spent some money today (and she thought I'd stopped by a yard sale or some silly shop) understood that it wasn't going to be worth the oxygen to give me a bad time about my mistake. So lucky again.

again - thanks all!


WEll thanks to the "highlanders for putting on another great ride. This rides I think is the kick off to another great riding season for everyone. The route chosen was and always is very beautiful and the roads were just as good. Thanks for letting all know about the condition of the roads so one knows what to expect. Conditions were a little slippery in some spots you just had to be prepared, My rear broke loose through a corner but accelerated right through it no problem.

It seems the groups are getting bigger and bigger and more people are enjoying this sport along with making and meeting new people which is why we ride to share the expereince.

Thanks for the personal photo bluestreek that is what I do best is just think when I ride, I even wear ear plugfs to keep one's self from hearing himself think. Aactually I thought there was going to be a test after Highlander gave his pre-speech ride and I wanted to be ready if he asked any question

I left with the first group of riders and was bring up the rear. Did anyriders in the second group see that black angus calf standing along the fence heading down popevalley road? It started to move a little bit when I went by like it was going to come on the road but it stayed and a lit tle further down the road its mom was trying to ;opcate it and comming to the fence in a hurried manner. It is obvious that everyone made it by alright. I thought maybe the second group would have an early lunch that being a barbaque style lunch.

As for glass half ful glad you are ok and not to much damage.

When is the next fun ride planned? Who is going to be the brave soul to head this one up?

fun time fun ride and fun people weekend rider :D :D :D

First I want to say thanks to Dave for putting this ride on and it was great seeing those familiar faces and many more new ones. This ride was blessed with great weather, roads, and riders. This was the first year I was able to make this run. The only regret I have is it was cut short for me and ds_928 as we and the last half of the first group got seperated from the brisk front half and our half group missed the turn off at 175 I think. Uh Dave, remember us newer/older guys? :lol: The riders in front of me and ds_928 did some passing manouvers that we didn't want to repeat so we got stuck behind some traffic and for a brief moment I noticed to my left the fuel cell of an early FJR in a pullout on the opposite side of the road but it was too late to stop and no place to turn around as the road was one twisty cork screw all the way down to highway 29. I believe the same road Orangevale took and turned around and went back up on. I wasn't about to go back up that ugly hill and we were about as far away from the lunch stop as one could get. So at 11:15 ds_928 and I decided that by the time we would get to the eatery the group would be long gone and the chances of meeting up with anyone would be slim to none so as Danny termed, we decided to "call it a day" and I had to agree. Nice to get to meet you Danny and also JB. Strange and disapointing but just getting out on the bike and testing out some new farkles was good. And the new seat earned the stamp of approval after many long hours of testing different foams and fabricating. No butt burn whatsoever! Lesson learned was get a GPS or tankbag with a map window and highlighted map and ride your own ride. Trying to keep up can be hazardous to your health. Duh? It was fun but short. <>< :huh:

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First I want to say thanks to Dave for putting this ride on and it was great seeing those familiar faces and many more new ones. This ride was blessed with great weather, roads, and riders. This was the first year I was able to make this run. The only regret I have is it was cut short for me and ds_928 as we and the last half of the first group got seperated from the brisk front half and our half group missed the turn off at 175 I think. Uh Dave, remember us newer/older guys? :lol: The riders in front of me and ds_928 did some passing manouvers that we didn't want to repeat so we got stuck behind some traffic and for a brief moment I noticed to my left the fuel cell of an early FJR in a pullout on the opposite side of the road but it was too late to stop and no place to turn around as the road was one twisty cork screw all the way down to highway 29. I believe the same road Orangevale took and turned around and went back up on. I wasn't about to go back up that ugly hill and we were about as far away from the lunch stop as one could get. So at 11:15 ds_928 and I decided that by the time we would get to the eatery the group would be long gone and the chances of meeting up with anyone would be slim to none so as Danny termed, we decided to "call it a day" and I had to agree. Nice to get to meet you Danny and also JB. Strange and disapointing but just getting out on the bike and testing out some new farkles was good. And the new seat earned the stamp of approval after many long hours of testing different foams and fabricating. No butt burn whatsoever! Lesson learned was get a GPS or tankbag with a map window and highlighted map and ride your own ride. Trying to keep up can be hazardous to your health. Duh? It was fun but short. <>< :huh:
Sorry you guys didn't make the whole run, I figured as much when you didn't make the lunch stop. We were there for a while, this group does yak for a while at stops. I'm glad you ride your own ride pace, but sorry you were left behind. It's happened before when there's a huge group like this, that's why we post up the route so there's always a backup plan. Map highlighting is a must do on a group ride " just in case ". The front group took it fairly cleanly as we didn't pull any borderline passes or DY passing. It has to be that way as the post earlier alludes to, not everyone can pass at once , especially when these's 10 or so in the group, better to wait till it's safe, even if it means a slower speed than the FJR demands !

Jim... It was fun to listen to a Cal Philosophy major. I was really impressed with the riding skills of the group. I plan on riding with you guys as much as possible. Junior finished 9th out of 39 riders today at Willow Springs. In the open/ unlimited class he finished 11th. Thanks again... PS how did you post the pictures? I have mine as a web-hosted site.
Dr. Rich, you seem to get along well with your new ride. We look forward to seeing you on more rides. Don't forget! Coffee at Moskowite on Sunday mornings.

Great route, Dave! Nice job picking the best day, even though you did it a month and a half ahead of time. :clapping:

I was 5th in the first group pretty much all day -- behind Dave and Diane, Jeff, Dr. Rich and Patrick, with Hans behind me. Dr. Rich on his break-in ride on the new '07 was impressive -- you got used to that new ride awfully fast! Your son obviously got some sort of MC genes. Like the last time we rode together, I love watching Patrick's lines -- same with Dave's, but he and Jeff were mostly too far ahead to watch.

Some pics:

Caption this (Andrew wearing on his face how Sherri is feeling on the bench behind him):






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I just wanted to say thanks to Highlander for a great route. This is the first time I have been on a lot of these roads and I will definitely return for more. :yahoo:

In the morning I had met up with Steve aka Bluestreek and pillion, Cindy in Marysville then motored across the bridge to meet John aka JREW and pillion Jan. We all headed up to Winters for a stop to top my tank off before heading up 128 to the Corners.

It was really nice meeting people and putting some faces to the names and posts I’ve been reading on this site. I’d been looking forward to this for some time now. I was impressed with Skyways work and his bike setup. This is really a great group of people!

I rode with the second group between JREW and Dan aka glass1/2full. Dan had been staying within sight until we hit the first dirty, tight left hander on Hopland grade. When after a number of turns I realized he was no longer in sight, I slowed and then turned around and headed back down the hill. I was glad to see Dan was ok and he and Sam aka NightShine had gotten his bike back up. With a little tweeking and borrowed bungees (from Jeff our leader) he was back on the road adjusting to the bent bars.

I had a great visit with SportBikeEffects and two others (damn I’m terrible with names), over lunch and others before leaving Hopland. It seemed like a lot of riders were going their own way after lunch so I hooked back up with the Bluestreeks for a return ride over 175 to Lower Clearlake and then back down hwy20 towards home.

Again, this was a great day, good weather and a fantastic route. I really enjoyed myself a lot and looking forward to doing this again.


I managed to take some candid shots at the start and in Hopland as follows:














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So she had me get the maps out yesterday -- and wants to go on a 3 day ride now.
Rope-a-dope? :haha: :rofl:

Toecutter, your turn!
Eeeeyaahhhh -- sorry, but before you guys can take turns kicking me in the balls for the woman thing, you'll have to convince Iggy to take his boot out of my ass over on the Group Buy Bitching thread. :huh: :eek:

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Rope-a-dope? :haha: :rofl:
Toecutter, your turn!
** BTW, I'm thinking that shacking up for 2 nights in different motels on a ride doesn't qualify as "living with", which is the testicle kicking trigger Toecutter agreed upon. :p :D
A deal is a deal!

Maybe the question you should ask yourself, before moving in, is "Would I marry this girl?"*

Then, before moving in, propose. I think I could let you off on a technicality that way. Otherwise, well, read the first sentence again.

I mean, it's not an impossibility that you could meet Ms. Right, and who am I to get in the way of two soulmates getting together? BTW, I'm also an ordained minister, in case you find yourself in a position to require the services.

Tip- wear a cup on all group rides, just in case.

*FWIW, She does look pretty good!

Doesn't 89 run the risk of deep snow this time of year?
Yeah, it does this time of year, at least in Lassen, and more moderate levels north of Truckee, but I didn't mean a weekend in the next 3 months. I didn't make that clear at all (but just edited it) -- I was referring to Memorial Day Weekend: May 26 - 28. Not sure whether Lassen Nat'l Park keeps the road open year round, but with the way this winter is going, even if they don't, the road should be fine. Of course, it's also possible to go around it if necessary.

Was glad to hear Sherri started feeling better. It was good to see her along on a ride again, even if it was without the camera.

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Just curious, why ride on such a dangerous weekend as Memorial Day. Way too much traffic and motorist for me.
I won't ride congested roads (or ski crowded resorts) on holiday weekends. So, I won't ride near a city at those times, or someplace like Lake Tahoe, Yosemite, Napa Valley, Lake Berryessa or on the way to any of them. Knowing the situation in Fremont getting out of town on such a weekend (or back in), I understand why you asked.

But that's where a little local mountain roads knowledge comes in. A couple years ago, I did this ride on July 4, 5 and 6, which was a 3 day weekend. Almost nobody on most of it, and Yreka was deserted. We didn't have motel reservations for Saturday night in Yreka or Sunday night in Fortuna -- no problem. 96 has nearly no one on it, and even then, it's mostly motorcycles. 89 north of Graeagle is mostly sparse traffic. I only ride such weekends out in the boonies where the most common mass vacation destinations aren't up ahead. Keep in mind that even if someone is going to Lake Almanor (for example), they are typically going to try to arrive Friday night and then go boating or golfing. Tahoe is an excellent contrasting example, however: the motoring touristas are all sightseeing around the lake and not paying attention.

In the more remote areas I'm suggesting, most of those recreating on the roads are us motorcyclists.

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Just curious, why ride on such a dangerous weekend as Memorial Day. Way too much traffic and motorist for me.
I won't ride congested roads (or ski crowded resorts) on holiday weekends. So, I won't ride near a city at those times, or someplace like Lake Tahoe, Yosemite, Napa Valley, Lake Berryessa or on the way to any of them. Knowing the situation in Fremont getting out of town on such a weekend (or back in), I understand why you asked.

But that's where a little local mountain roads knowledge comes in. A couple years ago, I did this ride on July 4, 5 and 6, which was a 3 day weekend. Almost nobody on most of it, and Yreka was deserted. We didn't have motel reservations for Saturday night in Yreka or Sunday night in Fortuna -- no problem. 96 has nearly no one on it, and even then, it's mostly motorcycles. 89 north of Graeagle is mostly sparse traffic. I only ride such weekends out in the boonies where the most common mass vacation destinations aren't up ahead. Keep in mind that even if someone is going to Lake Almanor (for example), they are typically going to try to arrive Friday night and then go boating or golfing. Tahoe is an excellent contrasting example, however: the motoring touristas are all sightseeing around the lake and not paying attention.

In the more remote areas I'm suggesting, most of those recreating on the roads are us motorcyclists.
Living in Auburn has it's advantages. Close enough to town, and on the doorstep of wild woods.

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