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Kind of going nuts with getting my '05 ready to sell. Posted about poking a hole in the radiator a while back, got it fixed and back in, but I had to remove all the side panels to do it. In the process, I find I put enough stress on the wire leading to one of the turn signals that I broke a pin in the receptacle. It is both no. 11 and 32 in the diagram here--same both sides. (The Yamaha p/n is 5GJ-8331E-00-00.) Of course, nobody has it; they can all order it but it will have to come from Japan! (They're saying at least two weeks.) My dying ass! Every time I've got this thing almost ready to sell
But anyway, what are the chances somebody has an '05 (the '04 might be the same too) they're trying to part out? If the panel isn't already off, it wouldn't be worth your trouble, cuz it's a real PITA, but just in case . . .
Guess I'll order it tomorrow if nobody speaks up. The thing is only $12 OEM, and places like Partzilla have it for even less, but I hate the wait, and I sure don't want to go through putting the fairing back on without this pretty important part already in and working.
So if you have one or can get one, it would be awful nice to finish this job and get the bike on the market. Hoping . . .
By the way, no local dealer has it, and neither do any of the m/c salvage yards.
But anyway, what are the chances somebody has an '05 (the '04 might be the same too) they're trying to part out? If the panel isn't already off, it wouldn't be worth your trouble, cuz it's a real PITA, but just in case . . .
Guess I'll order it tomorrow if nobody speaks up. The thing is only $12 OEM, and places like Partzilla have it for even less, but I hate the wait, and I sure don't want to go through putting the fairing back on without this pretty important part already in and working.
So if you have one or can get one, it would be awful nice to finish this job and get the bike on the market. Hoping . . .
By the way, no local dealer has it, and neither do any of the m/c salvage yards.
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