Need help replacing windshield

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Well-known member
Mar 25, 2007
Reaction score
Daytona Beach, FL
Before I break something I thought I'd ask here. How is the front trim plastic attached to the windshield brace? It appears that you have to remove the shield with the bike on and in the "up" position.

Could someone briefly explain how to remove the shield and trim?

Thanks in advance

Before I break something I thought I'd ask here. How is the front trim plastic attached to the windshield brace? It appears that you have to remove the shield with the bike on and in the "up" position.
Could someone briefly explain how to remove the shield and trim?

Thanks in advance
You just need to bend down and look under the trim and you'll see two hexhead screws. Remove them and then gently push up on the trim and it will come off exposing the screws. Take the screws off and the shield comes off. You may want to replace the gasket on the new shield as most don't come with them. Yamaha gasket is about 3 bucks.

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Before I break something I thought I'd ask here. How is the front trim plastic attached to the windshield brace? It appears that you have to remove the shield with the bike on and in the "up" position.
Could someone briefly explain how to remove the shield and trim?

Thanks in advance
there are 2 3mm allens under the front of the trim piece. take those out and then the 7 nylon screws are shown take the ones on the sides out first and it will be easier to hold as it wont fall down on you.


Did you read the FAQ section, specifically the Gen II "Bin-O'-Facts" that was highly sugested when you signed onto the forum? :blink: There is a section there about Windshield screws with links to write-ups with pictures....... :rolleyes:

For your reading pleasure: Gen II Bin-O'-Facts

One might want to scroll about 1/2 way down the page..... :unsure:

In addition to Bin O'Facts, things I learned from experience and other posts are: using a small #1 Phillips head screwdriver, when reattaching the windshield, place my finger on the back section of each phillips screw bushing to add support , and go easy on them, its easy to overtorque.

Thanks! I needed that. . .
Funny, I was just about to post the exact same question. And, no, I don't look everywhere else before I post a query. I just ask. The Forum is just that, not a Temple of Last Resort. So, I'll probably get my share of "Did you look ... first" replies from idiots just like you did. No, I damn well didn't .

But, going out to the community you always get a new slant, wisdom, human contact and comraderie that just isn't there on when you look at a Bin O Facts post, or Google, or any where else.

Thanks for catching the flack for me, Flyguy. Next time it's my turn.


Funny, I was just about to post the exact same question. And, no, I don't look everywhere else before I post a query. I just ask. The Forum is just that, not a Temple of Last Resort. So, I'll probably get my share of "Did you look ... first" replies from idiots just like you did. No, I damn well didn't .
Hope you've got flame-proof underwear Lefty, because you will definitely catch a lot of flack if you happily ignore the history of answers that have already been provided, often repeatedly, to the people who've come before you asking the same questions. The search feature and/or using Google to search the site, along with the FAQ forum, will provide the answer to 80% or more of your questions with less than a minute's work. But if you'd rather ignore the bounty of information at your fingertips to just post a new thread every time you run into trouble and then call people idiots when they ask you if you'd searched first, well, go right ahead.

Sometimes it's better to keep your mouth shut and look like a jackass than open it and remove all doubt. :glare:

(I'm getting an early start on the Friday dogpile :D )

Seriously, I appreciate your desire to participate in the community aspect of the forum, but a ton of new members ask the same questions over and over and over again, making it a bit tedious to try and help them out. Please make use of the search and the FAQ. Pretty, pretty please.

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Funny, I was just about to post the exact same question. And, no, I don't look everywhere else before I post a query. I just ask. The Forum is just that, not a Temple of Last Resort. So, I'll probably get my share of "Did you look ... first" replies from idiots just like you did. No, I damn well didn't .
So WE'RE the idiots? :( Because WE didn't follow the registration guidelines? :unsure: WE didn't actually READ what was suggested, i.e., "there is a wealth of information in the FAQ section" particularly in the Bin-O'-Facts? :rolleyes: Or in the pinned threads on "How to search the forum"? :blink:

You response is rather insulting to those on the forum who are known to bend over backward and go completely out of their way to help new members/owners and teach them how to find the answers to any particular question and to prepare them to find the answer for the NEXT question they will have. Did you ever stop to think that the same questions are asked repeatedly and that's why certain members have gone out of their way to compile the lists and information posted in the Bin-O'-Facts.

You've chosen a rather peculiar method to endear yourself as a member. <_<

Just in case you are computer or website challenged, here are a couple of links (simply move your cursor to the provided link and "left click"):

FAQ's and common historical data

Board and software information

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Just a few comments . . .

MM2 has been very helpfull to many. Put me spot on the info I was looking for. Thanks!

I did a number of searchs before posting and got everything BUT what I wanted. There are tons of windshield post but few about the specifics of changing it. I had the same problem searching for a post on cat removal I had seen a while ago. WW steered me to it. The point is that let's not assume someone hasn't tried other means before posting here. The sit is a mountain of info and sometimes you feel like your searching for a needle. If I can cut someones search time down I am happy to do so.

I had read the Bin numerous times but never noticed the windshield screws mentioned. Maybe it's just a 50+ thing. We do our best and any help is greatly appreciated.


Thanks! I needed that. . .
Funny, I was just about to post the exact same question. And, no, I don't look everywhere else before I post a query. I just ask. The Forum is just that, not a Temple of Last Resort. So, I'll probably get my share of "Did you look ... first" replies from idiots just like you did. No, I damn well didn't .

But, going out to the community you always get a new slant, wisdom, human contact and comraderie that just isn't there on when you look at a Bin O Facts post, or Google, or any where else.

Thanks for catching the flack for me, Flyguy. Next time it's my turn.

+1. I am about to do my windshield. The Vstream arrived a week ago.

Just a few comments . . .
MM2 has been very helpfull to many. Put me spot on the info I was looking for. Thanks!

Sometimes the best help is to "teach" or "show"you how to find the answer. Most of us who have been at this for some time will, on occasion, let a bit of an acerbic response enter our posting.

Its part of that old: "Give a man a fish...teach him to fish" conundrum.

I just don't like being called names for trying to help! :angry: I could go "on strike" for a week as I have done before. My response then was, "I know the answer!" It didn't help anyone, but I felt better, having vented, and it slightly helped my post count. :lol:

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.............because here in the forum......the more posts you have.....

the more of a jackass yer likely to be. :rolleyes:

Damn! Good to see the Friday nite funnies have returned to the forum... I was beginning to fear it was all over here.


Damn! Good to see the Friday nite funnies have returned to the forum... I was beginning to fear it was all over here.
Geez, and I waited until this morning (though it was early) to start. And this seemed like a good thread.... :yahoo:

Its nice to know you guys are all in the "spirit" of the day! :bleh:

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Well Mike, apparently ya missed the Chrome thread. Now thats ripe fer the pickin.
If it has "chrome" in the title....I just pass it by!

[SIZE=8pt]Hmmmm, I just remembered that I have some chrome "bling" on my FJR. The "heel guards" on my mid-pipes are chrome. Maybe I should go polish them!?!? That should make the cruiser riders jealous![/SIZE]

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