Need help with keeping forest rats out of my yard

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Motion detector setup up with a noisy ocillating sprinkler system, but you need a timer so it shuts down and re-arms. We've the same problem too! We gave up on the garden but have heard some local's use this system.

Dogs don't work, they just bark all bloody night like the damn neighbors does any time anything rustles in the woods.

You can only stuff so much venision in the freezer ! :D

So far no real problems with Forest Rats. My problem was Wood Peckers. Blasted 2 then used CD disk as repelent. I don't know how big your garden is but modular Dog Fencing is what we use. Of course had it already. Good Luck! TJ

Reply from the Rents ("parents")-

The deer spray I use is caller Plot Saver. It can be ordered at www.

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Call Peta and tell them you are going to start killing deer unless they can come up with a way to get rid of them. Then you are going to hang the heads down at the local restuarant while everyone eats venison burgers.

Suggestion #1: Invite my brother over for dinner, but don't cook.

Suggestion #2: A couple strategically placed kid's toys that are ultrasonic (motion) sensitive. Battery powered motion-sensitive travel alarms also work, but tend to stay on too long for good neighbor relations.

Of course, if the neighbors become too objectionable to your efforts, or if PETA shows up, see Suggestion #1.


Ian about the only thing that works around here, I'm at 3000 ft in Calaveras County, is a six foot fence. Yeh, I know it's UGLY, but it works.

Dogs don't work, the dog barks and the deer teases the dog. :angry2:

Sorry Skyway, but you live in a state where they neuter squirrels!

If you get caught killing one of these varmints, you may end up with a life sentence.

Try a one pump spring driven pellet rifle, 1000 fps or better. One shot to the rat less to worry about, and they are yummy. :D :D :D


Ian about the only thing that works around here, I'm at 3000 ft in Calaveras County, is a six foot fence. Yeh, I know it's UGLY, but it works.Dogs don't work, the dog barks and the deer teases the dog. :angry2:

The dog needs to be able to roam. One of those invisible fences and 2 weeks to train the dog and your deer problem is gone. Been there, done that. Worked like a charm. Couple weeks of the dog chasing the deer, then peeing and dumping on your lawn to spread its scent and the deer won't be back.

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I know a 10 gauge will handle 'em, but I got to do this with a certain amount of stealth. Wifey and I have been spending huge amounts of time tending to our garden, and now the local contingent of forest rats are taking advantage of our efforts and treating it like buffet. :(
Any ideas?
Just feel lucky that you don't live in the city. Consider feeding the deer as one of the perks. :) :lol:

Ah think ah'd be acallin' thet feller over tew Skyway Machine en see whut he kuhd in-vent fer tew git them critters tuh goe ay-way! :clapping:

OR, since you can't, uh, eliminate them and you don't want to upset your neighbors (you know, those who live close to the Skyway Hillside Estate) or poison your 4 legged feline dependents, try this spray:


1 Tbsp cayenne pepper

3 Tbsp kelp

3 Tbsp liquid hand soap

1/2 Tspn oil of peppermint (not extract)

1 pint warm water

Mix all ingredients in a medium bowl (Don't get it in your eyes, you won't like it). Poer it into a spray bottle and spray the areas the deer frequent.

DO NOT use on any plants you will be consuming. So it won't work on the Skyway Gourmet Garden, protecting those deer hors d'ouvres are going to require more drastic (expensive) action.

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I have heard (though never tried it) that human hair (left over from a haircut) spread around the perimeter works as a repellent.
I dunno if it's the scent, or if deer just can't cope with hairballs.

It's true....I'm a hair stylist and many of our clients have us save up huge bags of the hair we cut so they can put it around their gardens to keep the rodents out. They say it works because of the human scent. If they smell human, they think one is nearby and they run off......It cant hurt. Let me know if I need to save up some of the hair I cut for ya! Would be happy to help ya out!

Get a pet Cougar. You guys like cats, right?

Actually, you are trespassing in their yard. Move on down to Fresno. No deer down here, just thieves & taggers.

Isn't nature a pain? Wanna buy a bow? Wait a minute, I have an idea about that tagger problem....


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Damned near an east coast vs. west coast problem. Looks like, for the most part, that back east we'd shoot 'um and eat 'um......out west it's some other type of solution. Hummmmmmm can't help but wonder how the pioneers would have solved the problem?

