Need Room Share

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Well-known member
Jun 25, 2005
Reaction score
I have not booked a room yet, And would like to share one. Anyone with a double room need a roomie?

I have not booked a room yet, And would like to share one. Anyone with a double room need a roomie?
Look further down the list of posts. Motorcycle Ed is looking for a roomy.


I had made a previous arrangement with Motorcycle Ed. What a coincidence.

BTW, do you have a GPS? Dom is working on a gps route for the trip to EOM from N GA.

BTW, do you have a GPS? Dom is working on a gps route for the trip to EOM from N GA.
Yes i do! I have a 2730, And i am quite stooooopid when it comes to programming it! I would love to have you make a killer route map!

And i am going to be Fencer's bitch! :haha:

Just keep asking

"does this bike make my ass look fat?"

"what are you thinking about right now?"

"was your last EOM roomy better than me?"

hehe. I'll stop now. :rofl:

Just keep asking
"does this bike make my ass look fat?"

"what are you thinking about right now?"

"was your last EOM roomy better than me?"

hehe. I'll stop now. :rofl:
Don't forget..."Fencer, can I borrow your Summers Eve?"

Adam, I hope you have good riding gear! I'm jus saying, where your gear to bed. ;)
eh... I think i am doomed either way!

I mean... I will more than likely be passed out from all the Scotch and Jagermeister, So He will be able to take advantage of me! :eek:

I just need to make sure i am sleeping on my back! :lol:

I will bring my special decoy, The scared sheepat the edge of aaa cliff blow up doll... That ought to buy me some time! ( I hear those Bama boys luv their sheep!) :haha:

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And here comes the obligatory:


Huh, Eric's pointing at a cigarette? :lol:
