need your help with wife

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Active member
Jul 15, 2007
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Ok i want a new 08 fjr never had one never drove one but want one so bad . The yamaha dealer in northern maine just got a new one in .

So i have tried every excuse to get that 08 she says wait till 09 maybe they will change some things and get more options.

What are some of the excuses you guys have used ???? that have worked on your wife to get your new bike . :)

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Just tell her you know what you want when you see it. After all you picked her out and didn't wait for next years model and look how good that worked out. Either that or tell here that next years model is going to way more money!

Hm, this is probably one of the many reasons I'm still single... besides the fact I'm anti-social, smell bad, and really scary-looking!

I had to promise to get her the new dirt bike she has been asking for. I just sold her old one last night so off to shopping I go.

How does that famous quote go? "Its easier to ask for forgiveness then to beg for permission" Not sure thats quite right but it will have to do for now.

Including the world models, there has already been over 7 years of development, and improvements along with the fabrication of all kinds of aftermarket parts. There will never be a better FJR at the current price. There aren't many guarantees in life, but I'll guarantee next year's FJR will cost more.

The '03-'05 (Gen I) had things that could have been done better with heat management, air flow, brakes, suspension, valve guide reliability, making ABS standard and a few other similar items. Gen II '06 - present addressed these issues and offered a bunch of additional improvements. The '06 & '07 had some things that could have been done better with throttle control, ECU management and ignition switches. The '08 addressed all these items and nobody has really had any complaints about the '08 which seems to be unique for a new year's model. Almost all the earlier 'things that could use improvement' have been addressed by Yamaha with recalls & new parts and the aftermarket took care of the rest.

Best to start enjoying YOUR FJR ASAP :)

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Just tell her you know what you want when you see it. After all you picked her out and didn't wait for next years model and look how good that worked out. Either that or tell here that next years model is going to way more money!
A possible variation on this theme...

The FJR has not changed substantially in years, just like you. So I should not miss spending a minute of time with it by waiting another whole year to get one. I wouldn't ever trade our first year together for anything else!

See, I can say that crap too. Just choose not to, therefore I'm multi-divorced.


I call my method "Testing the Water". I find the best deal and tell the salesman I will get back with him in a few days. I then tell the wife I got one and I pick the bike up on (insert day here). After her reaction for a day or 2 (Can I live with this or will she get over it), I make my real decision and call the salesman. I either have my new bike or she feels guilty about me canceling it and I have that for use at some later date. :)

Tell her you got it for her because black is slimming. It was always about her. Always.

Then duck.

Tell her that in getting this motorcycle you are creating another way to spend time together doing something you love to do ... that you want to include her in this aspect of your life, and really would want her to be in on this with you. You can go on and on about all the places you will go, the sunset rides together ... blah ... blah ... blah ... it may appeal to her inherent feminine complexity.

OR ... you can just bring it home and just say "what?" with a shocked look on your face ... and when she isn't talking to you for days you can be adding some great aftermarket stuff to your new bike.

We know what the '08 FJR looks like. Now post up a pic of the wife so we can give the best advice! :)

Tell her the bike is not a toy but it is an extension of who you are AND how the 2 of you can experience it together.

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Never put off to tomorrow, what you can do today. Seriously, you can do an awfull lot of riding on the '08 before the '09 is ever even born. You can't put a price on the time you will be waiting.

The deal is she gets to watch Dancing with the Stars and you get to buy and ride a motorcycle. This keeps the balance in the universe at equilibrium.
