Needed or not, ins???

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weekend rider

Well-known member
Jul 31, 2005
Reaction score
Woodland, CA
As for the last couple of days we have been reading about the after effects when one becomes a fatality from a motorcycle accident. maybe we need to tale a look at where we are and ask that question, what would happen if my income went away? I do not mean to sound like a preachero r be mean spirited but we gotta ask ourself the what if question.

Does all or any rider carry a life insurance policy just in case something happens??

I will be the first to answer, the answer is yes and it is fairly inexpensive to know they will be able carry on with out me.

I am not an insuraance sales person or any affiliation thereof. thanks weekend rider

Just a five figure policy that's standard with my employer and I've pre-planned my estate accordingly, but I have no spouse or kids so it's right for me. I estate planned a decade ago and know there's more than enough to cover funeral expenses, tidy up after me, and throw a big which members are all invited.

When I started riding I purchased supplemetal disability insurance through my work so that if I become disabled, I will receive mostly the same salary for the rest of my life. I also have top notch medical insurance through work. Furthermore, I purchased supplental 401(K) insurance so that if I become disabled, it will still make my 401(K) contributions. I feel that I am as well covered as I can be, and it really only costs me about $150 a year or so. The other thing that I do, though, is that i have the highest limits of liability that I can buy on all of my vehicles. In the bikes, it costs next to nothing - my total insurance bill for all 4 bikes is just $140/year and I am about as covered as I can be in this sure happy world of ours.

I am single and no one depends on me but if I had someone who did, I would certainly buy $3M-$4M woth or life insurance that could take the place of my income.

I have enough to make sure all debt is paid , so my wife will have no bills, plus a little more

This is just one of a number of negative, even morbid threads I have read here. Inevitability of accidents etc. Anyone ever hear of the fulfillment of expectations. Keep thinking like this, keep promoting such thinking, and we will have a lot more accidents reported in here. This is quite distressing to me. I think I will now go find a mortuary forum for some light reading; and to brighten my mood.

Being realistic we are in a high risk catagory.

Being responsible means ensuring if your no longer around to be a, or in many cases the. bread winner means ensuring there is insurance or sufficient finances to look after your family..This I have got covered.

Even worse is the situation where you are permanently disabled, noe this is considerably more expensive than dying..

I don't have adequate cover for permanent diability.

Of course you could argue that if you stop riding then you mitigate the risk considerably..

So who's up for selling the bike and caring it????????

This is just one of a number of negative, even morbid threads I have read here. Inevitability of accidents etc. Anyone ever hear of the fulfillment of expectations. Keep thinking like this, keep promoting such thinking, and we will have a lot more accidents reported in here. This is quite distressing to me. I think I will now go find a mortuary forum for some light reading; and to brighten my mood.
There's a world of difference between "fulfillment of expectations" and making sure that if the worst case comes true those left behind are cared for. :glare: I was going to start a thread on this topic, but not so soon after our recent loss. Something along the lines of ATGATT not including solely tangible gear.

FWIW I carry enough life insurance that if I die the house gets paid for and my wife can work or not as she chooses. Insurance is relatively cheap for incremental dollar increases after a certain point, IMHO, and knowing that she is cared for makes me more comfortable. She'd prefer to have me around--as do I--but if that choice isn't available, I do not want her to go begging and lose everything. That's just wrong.


I always wanted to ask, and it is not an easy question specially now. Will life insurance pay out if you take your own life? Will it pay out if it was proven that you caused a crash?

BTW, those of you who do have ins make sure that they will pay out eriod if they find out you were on the bike.

I always wanted to ask, and it is not an easy question specially now. Will life insurance pay out if you take your own life? Will it pay out if it was proven that you caused a crash?
BTW, those of you who do have ins make sure that they will pay out eriod if they find out you were on the bike.
Most policies have a "waiting period" for suicide coverage, 6 months to 2 years, to prevent people from adding a 10 million dollar policy right before they kill themselves.
