Thanks guys.Yes. She came with the bags, but this bike looks so good without em that I'm gonna leave em off for now.
Try leaving em off a BMW, Connie or an ST and see how they look...LOL...they look like crap. Fortunately for us, the FJR looks great either way. I had the dealer put em on just to make sure everything worked ok, and I had them save the box and packing for me.
I just tucked em safely back in the box until I need em for a trip or something.
No sense leaving em on there to accidentally drag a boot toe on.
I'm sorry for making some of you guys jealous, but I've been wanting one of these for a quite a while now.
Almost bought a '13 and then decided to wait. Went to 5 different dealers till I found one that had one. This bike was just coming out of the crate. I bought it immediately before they were even finished with the was love at first sight.
I had the dealer put both the cages and Rivco pegs on for me along with the center GPS mount and battery tender lead while they were prepping it.
When I left there, I had it just about equipped on extras the way I wanted.