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I started having lower back issues when I was 12..pretty much tried everything non-surgical over time. The real secret I learned over the years was the need to keep my abs in decent shape. Soft belly = sore back. As long as I keep my belly in reasonable condition, my back issues leave me alone.

As soon as you are able, get walking, then when your back is getting ontrack, start working the abs. Stretching out your hams regularily helps too.

Hope ya feel better soon.

Your never alone Keith :)

-Anyway, i found squats, deadlifts and sittups have done the trick for me. I was chronic for about 6 years (i mean days in bead wiht the muscle relaxers) then i started power lifting.

The doctors told me i was nuts... go figure

The reason I had to stop MX racing was loss of lower leg and foot control associated with lower back injuries and back pain. I'm an expert at back pain and the associated consequences. L4-L5 and L5-S1 both herniated. Oddly enough, after all those slams into the ground and every other conceivable physical abuse to the spine, lifting a damn cooler got the first one.

Repeat after me... "Aleve is your friend"

I have problems taking so much Ibuprofen. If you do too, then try generic Naproxen Sodium (Aleve). And Grumpy's remedy of ice is dead-on. You must stop the swelling first and quickly.

Since you are about to take a trip. Be extremely careful what you support with a shoulder strap. Backpacks, shoulder straps etc. create imbalance that even with light loads, can induce heavy pain. Keep your upper body light and balanced.

+1 on what Jeff said,, I had been riding and racing MX since we were about 10yrs old progessing up to better and faster bike's alway's wore al the gear (K-belt's ect) but the bike's and the gear back then are nothing compared to today's

technology. Had we known the damage we would cause to our body long term??? sun up to sun down,24/7 we even snowblowed a track in the pond we had and ice raced in the winter! I have had back issue's since I was about 25,Also a Fleet mechanic by trade, that does not help at all!

I don't ride dirt much anymore just street but all those yrs has taken it's toll... I sit here out of work with L1 thru L5-S1

issue's NOT HAPPY AT ALL!! hopfully I can get well enough to continue FJR run's Motto: If your young,take care of yourself,

If your getting older, take even better care of yourself. There is ALWAY'S a price to pay for the fun we have. Ride Safe

Your never alone Keith :) -Anyway, i found squats, deadlifts and sittups have done the trick for me.
I can agree with that. Strong stomach muscles take a load of the back. (Not that I have any, I just agree)

I have degenerative arthritis in my lower and upper back. My VA doctor sent me to see a physical therapist about a month ago. He gave me several stretching and strengthening exercises to do at home. It takes me about 15 minutes. They've helped a lot. I'm back to running about 12 miles a week.

I find that the thing that aggravates my back more than anything is prolonged standing.

I've had a bad back for a lonooog time. Also had some neck pain occasionally. The type of pain that drives you down to the ground/couch and there's not much you can do about except succomb.

Generally would "throw it out" after a strenuous activity like you had. I tend to work hard and fast when doing that type of thing. And since I'm a lazy office worker, I'm not totally in shape.

So FINALLY I got off my ass and saw a Chiropractor in February this year. INCREDIBLE! Sure enough my spine was crooked, neck was too straight.

After a few months of adjustments, I feel much better, stronger and haven't hurt it again.....

....Until this past labor day weekend...same deal in the yard working real hard. It was right after standing all night for a concert (standing hurts after a while for me) Not one incident hurt, but after 2 days of work it hurt again. But not nearly as bad, but bad enough that I went back to the chiro 3 times since, crunched me back into place and I feel much better after a week. It's going to take about 2 years he said of "staying out of trouble" for everything to stay straight and muscles to learn the new positions, and for the discs to heal from the lateral damage. I should have reduced the 12 or 13 so hours of labor down to 8 or 10.

Overall, I'm super impressed with what Chiropractors do. You will be very surprised what other medical problems can be fixed, without medicine, by a good adjustment. Since all your nerves run out between each spinal bone, the wrong "fit" can cause other issues that regular doctors want to operate or give pills.

Heading off to EOM tomorrow. Not worried at all about riding...mostly about standing around for hours and getting off the bike and doing the twist.

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Ah, this is my kind of thread, "painman" that is. Get well my friend. There is a product called Bio-Freeze that works wonders. Believe me I've tried every kind of applicay and this one works. I get it from an old Chiopractor I use to go to many years ago. Probablly find it on the net though, about 13 dollars a tube. (Not affiliated). Get well my friend and prayers to ya. PM. <>< :D

Thanks for all the info, all though I am sorry that you guys know about this issue firsthand, I don't think I would wish back problems on my worst enemy!!!

Painman: Biofreeze works great, we had some from a health fair when they gave away samples. I like tiger balm too, but biofreeze smells less and doesn't stain.

Jeff: No backpack on the trip, everytying is going in the rear trunk and side cases. I am going to do everytying I can to keep my posture good while on the bike. (aka master yoda riding position). Also I am going to take a good amount of time to do a lot of light back stretches.

All and all, I think I'm going to be o.k. to ride. I injurred it on Sat. and now (thurs monring) I feel pretty good. Little soar, but no pain (except for putting on socks, that still sucks). All and all, going on this trip probably isn't the best thing for my back right now, but i think I will be fine. I'm expecting to be a little soar, If I start to really feel the pain again while riding, I will probably take it easy, rest a lot, and take a shorter more direct route to minimize miles. I am being optimistic though!

Well, after the S.O. decided we need more plants in the backyard, I proceeded to dig away. Now of coarse the dirt in my yard isn't like your typical soil. It's a wonderful combination of clay, rocks, and roots. As I'm digging away I hose down the dirt to try and loosen it up. I am dumping the dirt into a bucket. Once full, I went to pick it up...... OHHHHHHHHHH, that's not a good feeling in my back.
Today my back is killing me, I've never had an issue with my back before. Now that I have experienced this, I have so much sympathy for those who have recurrent back pain. I can't even walk today, I'm hobbling around with crutches for extra support. This **** sucks.... I handle pain well, but this is immobilizing...

Hope this crap heals up quickly. I'm supposed to leave for EOM and then ride to Florida. An 1800 mile trip will not be fun if my back is not cooperative.
The constant limitations that my wife has to deal with as a result of her back issues really sadden me at times. This stuff really takes a huge amount of opportunity for quality away. It really sucks.

Little soar, but no pain (except for putting on socks, that still sucks).
Good grief, man! Like, what the hell do you do, change them every day? Sheesh, you just injured your back Saturday, you shouldn't need a change till EOM.

Just delasyed my long awaited solo trip thru BC because of bad lower back pain. I had a discectomey and 2 fusions at L 4-5 in the distant past and can usually stay pain free for years at a time if I watch what I lift, etc. But about a week ago, I screwed up and it has been getting worse every day. I tried my accupuncture guy twice, no joy, my physician (direct injection of pain killer and injection of steriods, no joy, and 2 visits to my chiropractor, joy but for limited periods and then it comes back. So I will go back a few more times and ice the lower back and take Vicoden or Oxycodin until it comes out of spasm. I have endured lower back pain many times and it sure isn't any fun. So my trip has been slid a week. Good luck to everyone out there with back pain!

By the way, saw FJR_Pig yesterday and he is up and around and healing well, and unshaven and his back is pain free!!!
